HC Deb 02 July 2002 vol 388 cc74-5
5. Mr. Simon Thomas (Ceredigion)

If he will make a statement on the progress of the Wales and the border franchising process. [63715]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport (Mr. David Jamieson)

The Strategic Rail Authority has invited initial proposals from the companies that were pre-qualified to submit bids for the new Wales and the border franchise. The SRA hopes to have the new franchise in place in early 2003.

Mr. Thomas

I hope, too, that this time that date will be adhered to. However, will the Under-Secretary take this opportunity to reiterate the evidence that he gave to the Welsh Affairs Committee, in which he acknowledged that, as a franchise area, Wales was short-changed in terms of funding? When can we expect funding for railways in Wales to follow the example of funding for other public services by meeting something like the Barnett proportion? Moreover, when can I expect the improvements that we have demanded for several months to on the railway line to Aberystwyth, at Dyfi junction?

Mr. Jamieson

I am pleased to say that there has been strong interest in the Wales and the border franchise, and we hope that it will deliver the services that, in our view, the people of Wales deserve.

As the hon. Gentleman knows, there have been substantial increases in funding for Wales. The rail passenger partnership, developed with local authorities and local people, has delivered 20 per cent. of all funding to Wales—a sum far greater than that given to many other areas.

Mrs. Jackie Lawrence (Preseli Pembrokeshire)

There is massive concern in west Wales, particularly in the Fishguard area, about the Fishguard service and the new franchise. It appears that the franchise's passenger service requirements will not even match the standard of the previous franchise. My hon. Friend mentioned the money going into Wales, but will he ensure that the Strategic Rail Authority puts a proper proportion of it into services for west Wales, rather than simply stopping at Cardiff?

Mr. Jamieson

When the franchise is awarded, it will be for the SRA to ensure that all areas of Wales receive the funding that they wish to receive. We have improved the quality of the franchise, to give the people of Wales what they really want. At the moment, the timetable often includes trains that do not arrive, and which are not being delivered. The people of Wales want a timetable that delivers the trains listed in it, and trains that arrive at the stated times.