HC Deb 05 December 2002 vol 395 c1042
11. Tony Cunningham (Workington)

What discussions she has had with trade union representatives on the implementation of the Liabilities Management Agency. [83612]

The Minister for Energy and Construction (Mr. Brian Wilson)

My officials are in regular dialogue with national officers from all the main unions representing the employees of British Nuclear Fuels Ltd., Magnox Electric and the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. They have also held a number of meetings with union representatives at site level. A meeting with Sellafield representatives is taking place today.

Tony Cunningham

I very much welcome that, because my constituents in west Cumbria would urgently like a meeting with the Minister. Would my hon. Friend be prepared to meet representatives from west Cumbria, where there are serious concerns about the implementation of the LMA, especially as regards wages and conditions?

Mr. Wilson

I should of course be pleased to meet them. I occasionally meet stewards and full-time officials from Sellafield, both formally and informally, and I should be pleased to discuss the issues and, I am confident, to lay their concerns to rest.

Mr. Andrew Lansley (South Cambridgeshire)

When the Minister comes to implement the Liabilities Management Authority, is he proposing to transfer historic waste liabilities from British Energy to the LMA? If so, will he transfer with that funds and assets from British Energy commensurate with those liabilities?

Mr. Wilson

That is still an open question and was not part of the arrangements announced last week.