HC Deb 30 April 2002 vol 384 cc806-7
41. Andrew Mackinlay (Thurrock)

What plans he has to put proposals before the Select Committee on Modernisation of the House of Commons for reform of private Bill procedure. [51334]

The Parliamentary Secretary, Privy Council Office (Mr. Stephen Twigg)

Private Bill procedure was reviewed by the Joint Committee on Private Bill Procedure in 1987–88, and many of the matters previously covered by that procedure are now covered by the Transport and Works Act 1992. Before the general election last year, the House agreed to Standing Order changes that allow the House to consider the compatibility of the European convention on human rights with private Bills. The Modernisation Committee might discuss that in future.

Andrew Mackinlay

May I encourage the Minister to see that the Modernisation Committee does look at the matter again? Can we interpret the fact that the Leader of the House did not vote on the City of London (Ward Elections) Bill the other week as an indication that he, like me, considered the whole thing a charade and something that the Government should not have had their hands on? Should not the Modernisation Committee and the Government review the procedure to consider whether it should be changed? It was designed, and most used, to deal with the building of Victorian railways. Is it appropriate that, in a modern Parliament, there should be such an archaic procedure—one that the Government pretend not to be involved in, even though in fact they are involved? Surely, we should say what we mean and mean what we say—especially the Government—about all legislation.

Mr. Twigg

I am grateful to my hon. Friend. The quantity of private legislation has been hugely reduced by various measures—the Transport and Works Act and the Financial Services Act 1986.

The specific Bill to which my hon. Friend referred was debated at great length in the House over more than three and a half years.

Mr. Chris Bryant (Rhondda)

May I urge my hon. Friend to consider reforming the procedure for private Members' Bills? For instance, if we were to adopt a similar pattern for our sitting times on Wednesdays as the one we currently use on Thursdays, might it be possible to bring private Members' Bills into the main body of the Kirk and consider them on Wednesday and Thursday evenings?

Mr. Twigg

That matter certainly merits further debate; it is under review and will be taken forward by the Modernisation Committee.