HC Deb 10 April 2002 vol 383 cc8-9
5. Mr. Wayne David (Caerphilly)

What discussions he has had with the First Secretary about the progress of the objective 1 programme in west Wales and the valleys. [44150]

The Secretary of State for Wales (Mr. Paul Murphy)

I meet the First Secretary regularly to discuss a range of issues, including progress with the objective 1 programme. On 21 March, more than 500 objective 1 projects had been approved, worth a total of more than £300 million in European grants. More than £68 million of objective 1 grant has already been paid out by the Assembly.

Mr. David

I thank my right hon. Friend for his response. Would he care to give examples of specific projects in south Wales—perhaps in my constituency—which are receiving funding? Is he aware that Mr. Philip Owen, who is in charge of these European Commission programmes in the United Kingdom, sees the Welsh programme as a model of good practice?

Mr. Murphy

I understand that my hon. Friend visited Brussels with other hon. Members some weeks ago, where that point was made to him. I have in front of me a large list of objective 1 approved projects in the Caerphilly constituency, which shows that the objective 1 programme is doing precisely what we wanted it to do when it was approved.

Adam Price (East Carmarthen and Dinefwr)

During the last round of objective 1 negotiations with the Chancellor, the then First Minister of the National Assembly for Wales had to resign to ensure that Wales got its fair share of the allocation. Is the Secretary of State for Wales prepared to put his political life on the line to ensure that Wales gets its fair share this time round?

Mr. Murphy

The hon. Gentleman is aware that the Chancellor of the Exchequer is sitting not far from me, and that it is not appropriate for any Minister to comment on the spending review at this stage. I would simply say to the hon. Gentleman that I see no reason at all for the present First Minister to resign.

Denzil Davies (Llanelli)

Will my right hon. Friend raise with the First Minister the use of objective 1 funds to improve road links and the road-building programme? Is he aware that there is a view that objective 1 money cannot be used for roads? Given that west Wales is close to the periphery of Europe, and that roads can increase gross domestic product, is it not rather senseless to deny the use of objective 1 money for the building of roads?

Mr. Murphy

My right hon. Friend has a point when he says that infrastructure projects, including roads, will help the economy in his part of Wales and in others. I am informed that roads can be part of an objective 1 programme, so long as the local partnership agrees. He is also aware that the whole purpose of objective 1 is to restructure the Welsh economy, and the infrastructure is obviously an important part of that.

Mr. Roger Williams (Brecon and Radnorshire)

The areas of Wales that were not fortunate enough to get objective 1 designation are very concerned about how objective 2 is being implemented. Will the Secretary of State receive representations on behalf of the people in objective 2 areas, and consider the redesignation of those areas to objective 1, given the effect that foot and mouth disease has had on them?

Mr. Murphy

The hon. Gentleman is aware that two thirds of Wales is covered by the objective 1 funding, but I shall be more than happy to receive representations from his constituency regarding the operation of objective 1, bearing in mind the fact that that would have to be done with a representative from the Assembly, which is responsible for the implementation of the programme.