HC Deb 28 November 2001 vol 375 c959
8. Mr. David Clelland (Tyne Bridge)

When he last met representatives of the Government office for the north east. [15978]

The Minister of State, Cabinet Office (Mrs. Barbara Roche)

My right hon. Friend the Deputy Prime Minister visited the Government office for the north east on 13 August, and I visited Government offices on 22 November.

Mr. Clelland

During the discussions, was mention made of the forthcoming White Paper on regional government, in particular the role of the regional development agencies? Dees my hon. Friend agree that regional government without economic development powers would be a timid beast indeed; will she resist those forces in the Department of Trade and Industry who would retain powers over RDAs even after regional government is introduced; and will she assure me that RDAs will form an integral part of regional government?

Mrs. Roche

There have been discussions on regional governance. As for what fiat will be, my hon. Friend will have to wait until the White Paper is published.