HC Deb 26 November 2001 vol 375 c726

Amendments made: No. 43, in page 105, line 29, leave out "Chlamydia" and insert "Chlamydophila".

No. 44, in page 106, line 11, at end insert— '1A Any reference in this Schedule to a toxin includes—

  1. (a) any genetic material containing any nucleic acid sequence for the coding of the toxin; and
  2. (b) any genetically modified organism containing any such sequence.'

No. 45, in page 106, line 12, leave out paragraph 2 and insert—

'2 Any reference in this Schedule to a toxin includes subunits of the toxin.'—[Mrs. McGuire.]

Question proposed, That this schedule, as amended, be the Fifth schedule to the Bill.

Mr. Dalyell

I wish to press my hon. Friend gently about whether background information will be put in the Library on this issue, either by the Home Office or the Ministry of Defence. My hon. Friend the Under-Secretary of State for Defence has been very good in the past about giving such details, which the scientific community has certainly appreciated. I think that the same should be done here.

Beverley Hughes

Will my hon. Friend say specifically what information on schedule 5 he would like put in the Library?

Mr. Dalyell

An explanation of the mechanism of how these decisions are made and who is making them.

Beverley Hughes

If my hon. Friend means by that the decisions on what is classed as a dangerous substance, the composition of schedule 5 and the way in which any additions to it might be made, I can give him that assurance.

Mr. Dalyell

Good. I thank my hon. Friend.

Question put and agreed to.

Schedule 5, as amended, agreed to.

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