HC Deb 21 March 2001 vol 365 c455

That this House takes note of the unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum submitted by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on 27th November 2000 relating to the Presidency Report to the Nice European Council on the Common European Security and Defence Policy (document 14056/3/00) and the three unnumbered Explanatory Memoranda submitted by the FCO on 22nd and 23rd January relating to the establishment of permanent CESDP bodies; welcomes the Government's approach to a Common European Security and Defence Policy; and supports the Govenment's intention to pursue this intitiative in the EU and in close co-operation with NATO.

The House divided: Ayes 303,Noes 133.

Division No. 163]
Adams, Mrs Irene (Paisley N) Burstow, Paul
Ainger, Nick Byers, Rt Hon Stephen
Alexander, Douglas Caborn, Rt Hon Richard
Allan, Richard Campbell, Alan (Tynemouth)
Allen, Graham Campbell, Mrs Anne (C'bridge)
Anderson, Rt Hon Donald (Swansea E) Campbell, Rt Hon Menzies (NE Fife)
Armstrong, Rt Hon Ms Hilary Campbell, Ronnie (Blyth V)
Ashton, Joe Campbell-Savours, Dale
Atkins, Charlotte Caplin, Ivor
Austin, John Casale, Roger
Baker, Norman Caton, Martin
Ballard, Jackie Chapman, Ben (Wirral S)
Barnes, Harry Chaytor, David
Barron, Kevin Chidgey, David
Bayley, Hugh Church, Ms Judith
Beard, Nigel Clapham, Michael
Beckett, Rt Hon Mrs Margaret Clark, Rt Hon Dr David (S Shields)
Begg, Miss Anne Clark, Dr Lynda (Edinburgh Pentlands)
Beith, Rt Hon A J
Bell, Martin (Tatton) Clarke, Charles (Norwich S)
Bell, Stuart (Middlesbrough) Clarke, Eric (Midlothian)
Benn, Hilary (Leeds C) Clelland, David
Bennett, Andrew F Clwyd, Ann
Benton, Joe Coaker, Vernon
Berry, Roger Coffey, Ms Ann
Betts, Clive Coleman, lain
Blackman, Liz Colman, Tony
Boateng, Rt Hon Paul Connarty, Michael
Borrow, David Cooper, Yvette
Bradley, Keith (Withington) Corbett, Robin
Bradshaw, Ben Cotter, Brian
Brake, Tom Cranston, Ross
Brand, Dr Peter Crausby, David
Brinton, Mrs Helen Cryer, Mrs Ann (Keighley)
Brown, Russell (Dumfries) Cunningham, Rt Hon Dr Jack (Copeland)
Browne, Desmond
Bruce, Malcolm (Gordon) Cunningham, Jim (Cov'try S)
Burden, Richard Darling, Rt Hon Alistair
Burgon, Colin Davey, Edward (Kingston)
Davidson, Ian Jones, Dr Lynne (Selly Oak)
Davies, Rt Hon Denzil (Llanelli) Joyce, Eric
Davis, Rt Hon Terry (B'ham Hodge H) Keen, Alan (Feltham & Heston)
Keen, Ann (Brentford & Isleworth)
Dawson, Hilton Keetch, Paul
Denham. Rt Hon John Kelly, Ms Ruth
Dismore, Andrew Kennedy, Rt Hon Charles (Ross Skye & Inverness W)
Dobbin, Jim
Dobson, Rt Hon Frank Kennedy, Jane (Wavertree)
Donohoe, Brian H Khabra, Piara S
Doran, Frank Kidney, David
Dowd, Jim King, Andy (Rugby & Kenilworth)
Drew, David King, Ms Oona (Bethnal Green)
Drown, Ms Julia Kingham, Ms Tess
Eagle, Maria (L pool Garston) Kirkwood, Archy
Edwards, Huw Kumar, Dr Ashok
Efford, Clive Ladyman, Dr Stephen
Ellman, Mrs Louise Laxton, Bob
Ennis, Jeff Lepper, David
Feam, Ronnie Levitt, Tom
Fitzpatrick, Jim Lewis. Ivan (Bury S)
Flint, Caroline Lewis, Terry (Worsley)
Flynn, Paul Liddell, Rt Hon Mrs Helen
Follett, Barbara Linton, Martin
Foster, Rt Hon Derek Livsey, Richard
Foster, Michael Jabez (Hastings) Lloyd. Tony (Manchester C)
Foster, Michael J (Worcester) Love, Andrew
Foulkes, George McAvoy, Thomas
Fyfe, Maria McCafferty, Ms Chris
Gardiner, Barry McDonagh, Siobhain
George, Andrew (St Ives) McFall, John
Gerrard, Neil McGuire, Mrs Anne
Gibson, Dr Ian Mclsaac, Shona
Gidley, Sandra Mackinlay, Andrew
Godman, Dr Norman A McNamara, Kevin
Godsiff, Roger McNulty, Tony
Goggins, Paul MacShane, Denis
Golding, Mrs Llin Mactaggart, Fiona
Gordon, Mrs Eileen McWalter, Tony
Griffiths, Jane (Reading E) McWilliam, John
Griffiths, Nigel (Edinburgh S) Mahon, Mrs Alice
Griffiths, Win (Bridgend) Mandelson, Rt Hon Peter
Grogan. John Marshall, David (Shettleston)
Hain, Peter Marshall, Jim (Leicester S)
Hall, Mike (Weaver Vale) Martlew, Eric
Hall, Patrick (Bedford) Meacher. Rt Hon Michael
Harman, Rt Hon Ms Harriet Meale, Alan
Harris, Dr Evan Merron, Gillian
Harvey, Nick Michael. Rt Hon Alun
Heath, David (Somerton & Frome) Michie, Bill (Shef'ld Heeley)
Hendrick, Mark Michie, Mrs Ray (Argyll & Bute)
Hepburn, Stephen Miller, Andrew
Heppell, John Moffatt, Laura
Hesford, Stephen Moonie, Dr Lewis
Hewitt, Ms Patricia Moore, Michael
Hinchliffe, David Moran, Ms Margaret
Hodge, Ms Margaret Morgan, Ms Julie (Cardiff N)
Hoey, Kate Morris, Rt Hon Ms Estelle (B'ham Yardley)
Hope, Phil
Hopkins, Kelvin Morris, Rt Hon Sir John (Aberavon)
Howarth, Rt Hon Alan (Newport E)
Howells, Dr Kim Mullin, Chris
Hughes, Ms Beverley (Stretford) Murphy. Denis (Wansbeck)
Hughes, Kevin (Doncaster N) Murphy, Jim (Eastwood)
Humble, Mrs Joan Murphy, Rt Hon Paul (Torfaen)
Iddon, Dr Brian Norris, Dan
Illsley, Eric Oaten, Mark
Jackson, Ms Glenda (Hampstead) O'Brien, Bill (Normanton)
Jackson, Helen (Hillsborough) O'Brien, Mike (N Warks)
Jamieson, David O'Hara, Eddie
Jenkins, Brian O'Neill, Martin
Johnson, Miss Melanie (Welwyn Hatfield) Organ, Mrs Diana
Osbome, Ms Sandra
Jones, Rt Hon Barry (Alyn) Pearson, Ian
Jones, Mrs Fiona (Newark) Pickthall, Corn
Jones, Helen (Wamngton N) Pike, Peter L
Plaskitt, James Stevenson, George
Pond, Chris Stewart, Ian (Eccles)
Pope, Greg Strang, Rt Hon Dr Gavin
Prentice, Gordon (Pendle) Straw, Rt Hon Jack
Primarolo, Dawn Stringer, Graham
Prosser, Gwyn Stunell, Andrew
Purchase, Ken Sutcliffe, Gerry
Quin. Rt Hon Ms Joyce Taylor, Matthew (Truro)
Quinn, Lawrie Temple—Morris, Peter
Radice, Rt Hon Giles Thomas, Gareth (Clwyd W)
Raynsford, Nick Thomas, Simon (Ceredigion)
Rendel, David Timms, Stephen
Robertson, John (Glasgow Anniesland) Tonge, Dr Jenny
Touhig, Don
Robinson, Geoffrey (Cov[...]try NW) Trickett, Jon
Roche, Mrs Barbara Turner, Dennis (Wolverh'ton SE)
Rogers, Allan Turner, Dr Desmond (Kemptown)
Ross, Ernie (Dundee W) Turner, Dr George (NW Norfolk)
Rowlands, Ted Turner, Neil (Wigan)
Roy, Frank Twigg, Stephen (Enfield)
Ruane, Chris Tyler, Paul
Ruddock, Joan Tynan, Bill
Russell, Bob (Colchester) Walley, Ms Joan
Russell, Ms Christine (Chester) Ward, Ms Claire
Salter, Martin Watts, David
Sanders, Adrian Webb, Steve
Sarwar, Mohammad White, Brian
Savidge, Malcolm Whitehead, Dr Alan
Sawford, Phil Wicks, Malcolm
Sedgemore, Brian Williams, Alan W (E Carmarthen)
Sheldon, Rt Hon Robert Williams. Mrs Betty (Conwy)
Short, Rt Hon Clare Wills, Michael
Smith, Rt Hon Andrew ([...]xford E) Winnick, David
Smith, Angela (Basildon) Winterton, Ms Rosie (Doncaster C)
Smith, Rt Hon Chris (Islington S) Wood, Mike
Smith, Sir Robert (W Ab'[...]'ns) Woodward, Shaun
Soley, Clive Worthington, Tony
Southworth, Ms Helen Wright, Anthony D (Gt Yarmouth)
Spellar, John Wright, Tony (Cannock)
Squire, Ms Rachel Wyatt, Derek
Steinberg, Gerry
Ainsworth, Peter (E Surrey) Emery, Rt Hon Sir Peter
Amess, David Evans, Nigel
Ancram, Rt Hon Michael Fabricant, Michael
Arbuthnot. Rt Hon James Fallon. Michael
Atkinson, Peter (Hexham) Flight, Howard
Beggs, Roy Fowler, Rt Hon Sir Norman
Bercow, John Fox, Dr Liam
Blunt, Crispin Fraser, Christopher
Boswell, Tim Gale, Roger
Bottomley, Peter (Worthing W) Garnier, Edward
Bottomley, Rt Hon Mrs Vi[...]ginia Gibb, Nick
Brady. Graham Gill, Christopher
Brooke, Rt Hon Peter Gillan, Mrs Cheryl
Browning, Mrs Angela Gorman, Mrs Teresa
Bruce. Ian (S Dorset) Gray, James
Burnett, John Green, Damian
Burns, Simon Greenway, John
Butterfill, John Grieve, Dominic
Cash, William Gummer, Rt Hon John
Chapman, Sir Sydney (Chipping Barnet) Hague, Rt Hon William
Hamilton, Rt Hon Sir Archie
Chope, Christopher Hammond, Philip
Clappison, James Hawkins, Nick
Clark, Dr Michael (Rayleigh) Hayes, John
Clifton—Brown, Geoffrey Heald, Oliver
Collins, Tim Heathcoat—Amory. Rt Hon David
Cran, James Horam, John
Curry, Rt Hon David Howard, Rt Hon Michael
Davies, Quentin (Grantham) Jack, Rt Hon Michael
Day, Stephen Jenkin, Bernard
Donaldson, Jeffrey Johnson Smith,
Duncan, Alan Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey
Duncan Smith, lain Key, Robert
King, Rt Hon Tom (Bridgwater) Mates, Michael
Kirkbride, Miss Julie Maude, Rt Hon Francis
Laing, Mrs Eleanor Mawhinney, Rt Hon Sir Brian
Lansley, Andrew May, Mrs Theresa
Leigh, Edward Moss, Ma[...]colm
Letwin, Oliver Nicholls, Patrick
Lidington, David Norman, Archie
Lilley, Rt Hon Peter O'Brien, Stephen (Eddisbury)
Llwyd, Elfyn Ottaway, Richard
Loughton. Tim Page, Richard
Luff, Peter Paice, James
Lyell, Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Paterson, Owen
McCartney, Robert (N Down) Pickles, Eric
MacGregor, Rt Hon John Portillo, Rt Hon Michael
McIntosh, Miss Anne Prior, David
MacKay, Rt Hon Andrew Randall, John
McLoughlin, Patrick Redwood, Rt Hon John
Madel, Sir David Robathan, Andrew
Maples, John Robertson, Laurence (Tewk'b'ry)
Roe, Mrs Marion (Broxbourne) Tapsell, Sir Peter
Rowe, Andrew (Faversham) Taylor, John M (Solihull)
Ruffley David Taylor, Sir Teddy
St Aubyn, Nick Tredinnick, David
Sayeed, Jonathan Trend. Michael
Shephard, Rt Hon Mrs Gillian Tyrie, Andrew
Shepherd, Richard Walter, Robert
Simpson, Keith (Mid-Norfolk) Waterson, Nigel
Smyth, Rev Martin (Belfast S) Whittingdale, John
Spelman, Mrs Caroline Widdecombe, Rt Hon Miss Ann
Spicer, Sir Michael Wilkinson, John
Spring. Richard Willetts, David
Stanley, Rt Hon Sir John Winterton, Mrs Ann (Congleton)
Streeter, Gary Winterton, Nicholas (Macclesfield)
Swayne, Desmond Young, Rt Hon Sir George
Syms, Robert

Question accordingly agreed to.