HC Deb 13 March 2001 vol 364 c818
10. Dr. Brian Iddon (Bolton, South-East)

If he will make a statement on the pace of change policy. [151958]

The Minister of State, Department of Health (Mr. John Denham)

Each year, the Government decide how extra resources should be deployed between across-the-board increases to maintain continuity and stability in the service and to make progress nationally in priority areas, and differential distribution to bring under-target health authorities nearer to equity.

Dr. Iddon

Whichever indicators are used, they show that people in my constituency are desperately in need of extra resources to improve their health. Figures in my possession show not only that in the financial year 1993–94, the Bolton part of Wigan and Bolton health authority was 6 per cent. off its target, but that the situation has not improved in the current year, and we are still 6.5 per cent.—£13 million—under target.

I congratulate the Government on allocating, this year and next year, the most extra resources to the health authority that it has had since the NHS was created—but will my right hon. Friend ensure that the money is targeted at people such as my constituents, who are in the greatest need?

Mr. Denham

Four years ago, Wigan and Bolton health authority was almost 5 per cent. below target; now it is less than 3 per cent. below target. The important point is that it has received a cash increase of 9.1 per cent. for next year. My hon. Friend will know that the health authority's ability to address poverty and inequality is far greater with such an increase in resources than it would be if the Conservative party was in power, implementing its pledge to cut £16 billion from public spending—which would of course include cuts in health service spending.