HC Deb 09 July 2001 vol 371 c532
7. Mr. Alistair Carmichael (Orkney and Shetland)

What plans he has for the disposal of housing stock owned and maintained by his Department in support of RAF Saxa Vord. [1189]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence (Dr. Lewis Moonie)

As a result of the draw-down of RAF Saxa Vord, it is expected that 38 houses in the Setters Hill estate will be surplus to requirements and will therefore be passed to Defence Estates for disposal in the next few months.

Mr. Carmichael

Does the Minister recognise the very fragile state of the economy on Unst—Britain's most northerly community—since the draw-down of RAF Saxa Vord? Does he appreciate the central role that local management of the housing stock will have in providing a sustainable future for Unst? Will he give an assurance to the people of Unst that when the time comes for disposal, preference will be given to a local bid, and that they will not be left to the mercy of the property developers?

Dr. Moonie

I suspect that the hon. Gentleman will be well aware that that is a difficult undertaking to give, but we are conducting a survey of public opinion among the islanders to find out what the general view of the sales is. We are discussing the issue closely with the local authority and the Highlands and Islands development board, and all their views will be carefully taken into account before we proceed with the sale. We are well aware of the sensitivities involved.

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