HC Deb 05 July 2001 vol 371 c511


  1. (1) The following Standing Order (Select Committees: power to work with other committees) he made:
    1. '(1) Any select committee or sub-committee with power to send for persons, papers and records shall have power—
      1. (a) to communicate its evidence to any other select committee or sub-committee of either House of Parliament; provided that evidence from the National Audit Office shall first have been agreed between that Office and the government department or departments concerned;
      2. (b) to meet concurrently with any such committee or sub-committee for the purpose of deliberating or taking evidence; and
      3. (c) to meet concurrently with any other select committee of this House for the purpose of considering a draft report.
    2. (2) Where two or more select committees have agreed reports to the House in identical terms, those reports may be published as a joint report; and
  2. (2) That the following amendments be made to Standing Orders:'

S.O. No. 139 (Select Committee on Broadcasting): in line 16, leave out from 'communicate' to end of line 33, and insert 'its evidence to the House of Commons Commission'.

S.O. No. 141 (Deregulation and Regulatory Reform Committee): leave out lines 116 to 126.

S.O. No. 142 (Domestic Committees): in line 23, leave out from 'communicate' to end of line 40, and insert 'its evidence to the House of Commons Commission'.

S.O. No. 143 (European Scrutiny Committee): leave out paragraphs (12) and (13).

S.O. No. 144 (Finance and Services Committee): in line 28, leave out from 'communicate' to end of line 45, and insert 'its evidence to the House of Commons Commission'.

S.O. No. 146 (Select Committee on Public Administration): leave out lines 21 to 26.

S.O. No. 148 (Committee of Public Accounts): leave out paragraphs (3) and (4).

S.O. No. 152 (Select Committees related to government departments): leave out lines 29 to 42. in line 47, leave out from 'proceedings' to 'and' in line 52.

S.O. No. 152A (Environmental Audit Committee): leave out lines 23 to 34.