HC Deb 21 November 2000 vol 357 cc165-6
7. Dr. Vincent Cable (Twickenham)

If he will make a statement on the Government's initiatives to help victims of Alzheimer's disease. [137642]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health (Yvette Cooper)

The Government are working closely with organisations that provide help and support to people with dementia and their carers in order to improve services. When we publish the national service framework for older people, it will set national standards for the care of older people, including for mental health.

Dr. Cable

Is the Minister aware of the evidence that has been collated by the Alzheimer's Disease Society, among others, that demonstrates widespread abuse of patients with that condition in nursing homes in particular, as well as in hospitals? They are fed anti-psychotic drugs and sedatives. What action are the Government planning to take to ensure that people with this unfortunate disease are treated in a much more appropriate and dignified manner?

Yvette Cooper

We are aware of the concerns that have been raised, and I thank the hon. Gentleman for drawing attention to this issue, in which I know he has a strong interest. I agree completely that we need a proper framework in place to protect vulnerable older people and to ensure that proper prescribing takes place. We have welcomed the guidance produced by Age Concern, and we will set standards as part of the national service framework for older people. We also have scope to work to improve the position through the operation of the Care Standards Commission.

Mr. Dennis Turner (Wolverhampton, South-East)

My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State is visiting Wolverhampton tomorrow and he will receive a warm welcome. I know that he will be given information that will be to his advantage, and certainly to that of Wolverhampton, regarding the progress that we are making in mental health services, particularly those for Alzheimer's disease. While he is there, will he address the very important issue of the fourth cardiac centre for the west midlands, to be based in Wolverhampton? I hope that he—

Mr. Speaker

Order. I have to stop the hon. Gentleman.

Yvette Cooper

I am sure that my right hon. Friend has heard my hon. Friend's representations.

Rev. Martin Smyth (Belfast, South)

I welcome the Government's concern about care standards for Alzheimer's disease, but are they able to tell us whether there have been any advances in the treatment of Alzheimer's and whether movement has been made to make drugs available to deal with the disease?

Yvette Cooper

We are concerned to ensure that people across the country receive the best possible treatment for Alzheimer's. Treatment should not depend on where people live. The postcode lottery for all types of treatment is completely unacceptable and that is why we have referred several drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's to the National Institute for Clinical Excellence for it to provide clear guidance to be followed throughout the country. NICE is considering those drugs at the moment.