HC Deb 24 May 2000 vol 350 cc1079-82

Order for Second Reading read

Motion made and Question put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 58 (Consolidation Bills), That the Bill be now read a Second Time.—[Mr. Clelland.]

The House divided: Ayes 325, Noes 6.

Division No. 209] [10.32 pm
Ainger, Nick Anderson, Janet (Rossendale)
Ainsworth, Robert (Cov'try NE) Armstrong, Rt Hon Ms Hilary
Alexander, Douglas Atkins, Charlotte
Allan, Richard Austin, John
Allen, Graham Ballard, Jackie
Anderson, Donald (Swansea E) Barnes, Harry
Barron, Kevin Doran, Frank
Bayley, Hugh Dowd, Jim
Beard, Nigel Eagle, Angela (Wallasey)
Begg, Miss Anne Eagle, Maria (L'pool Garston)
Beith, Rt Hon A J Edwards, Huw
Benn, Hilary (Leeds C) Efford, Clive
Benn, Rt Hon Tony (Chesterfield) Ellman, Mrs Louise
Benton, Joe Ennis, Jeff
Bermingham, Gerald Etherington, Bill
Berry, Roger Fearn, Ronnie
Best, Harold Field, Rt Hon Frank
Blackman, Liz Fisher, Mark
Blears, Ms Hazel Fitzpatrick, Jim
Blizzard, Bob Fitzsimons, Mrs Lorna
Boateng, Rt Hon Paul Flint, Caroline
Bradley, Keith (Withington) Flynn, Paul
Bradley, Peter (The Wrekin) Foster, Rt Hon Derek
Bradshaw, Ben Foster, Michael Jabez (Hastings)
Brake, Tom Foster, Michael J (Worcester)
Brand, Dr Peter Fyfe, Maria
Brinton, Mrs Helen Gapes, Mike
Brown, Rt Hon Nick (Newcastle E) Gardiner, Barry
Brown, Russell (Dumfries) George, Andrew (St Ives)
Browne, Desmond George, Bruce (Walsall S)
Bruce, Malcolm (Gordon) Gerrard, Neil
Buck, Ms Karen Gibson, Dr Ian
Burden, Richard Gidley, Sandra
Burgon, Colin Gilroy, Mrs Linda
Burnett, John Godman, Dr Norman A
Burstow, Paul Godsiff, Roger
Butler, Mrs Christine Goggins, Paul
Byers, Rt Hon Stephen Gordon, Mrs Eileen
Caborn, Rt Hon Richard Griffiths, Jane (Reading E)
Campbell, Mrs Anne (C'bridge) Griffiths, Nigel (Edinburgh S)
Campbell, Rt Hon Menzies (NE Fife) Griffiths, Win (Bridgend)
Grocott, Bruce
Campbell-Savours, Dale Grogan, John
Cann, Jamie Hain, Peter
Caplin, Ivor Hall, Patrick (Bedford)
Casale, Roger Hamilton, Fabian (Leeds NE)
Caton, Martin Hancock, Mike
Chapman, Ben (Wirral S) Hanson, David
Chaytor, David Harman, Rt Hon Ms Harriet
Clapham, Michael Heal, Mrs Sylvia
Clark, Rt Hon Dr David (S Shields) Healey, John
Clarke, Charles (Norwich S) Heath, David (Somerton & Frome)
Clarke, Eric (Midlothian) Henderson, Doug (Newcastle N)
Clarke, Tony (Northampton S) Henderson, Ivan (Harwich)
Clelland, David Hepburn, Stephen
Clwyd, Ann Heppell, John
Cohen, Harry Hesford, Stephen
Coleman, Iain Hewitt, Ms Patricia
Colman, Tony Hinchliffe, David
Connarty, Michael Hoey, Kate
Cook, Frank (Stockton N) Hood, Jimmy
Cooper, Yvette Hoon, Rt Hon Geoffrey
Corbyn, Jeremy Hope, Phil
Corston, Jean Hopkins, Kelvin
Cox, Tom Hoyle, Lindsay
Cranston, Ross Hughes, Ms Beverley (Stretford)
Crausby, David Humble, Mrs Joan
Cryer, Mrs Ann (Keighley) Hutton, John
Cryer, John (Hornchurch) Iddon, Dr Brian
Cunningham, Rt Hon Dr Jack (Copeland) Illsley, Eric
Jackson, Helen (Hillsborough)
Curtis-Thomas, Mrs Claire Jamieson, David
Darvill, Keith Jenkins, Brian
Davey, Edward (Kingston) Johnson, Alan (Hull W & Hessle)
Davey, Valerie (Bristol W) Johnson, Miss Melanie (Welwyn Hatfield)
Davidson, Ian
Davies, Rt Hon Denzil (Llanelli) Jones, Rt Hon Barry (Alyn)
Davies, Geraint (Croydon C) Jones, Mrs Fiona (Newark)
Denham, John Jones, Helen (Warrington N)
Dismore, Andrew Jones, Ms Jenny (Wolverh'ton SW)
Dobbin, Jim
Donohoe, Brian H Jones, Jon Owen (Cardiff C)
Jowell, Rt Hon Ms Tessa Pollard, Kerry
Kaufman, Rt Hon Gerald Pond, Chris
Keen, Alan (Feltham & Heston) Pope, Greg
Keen, Ann (Brentford & Isleworth) Pound, Stephen
Khabra, Piara S Prentice, Ms Bridget (Lewisham E)
Kidney, David Prentice, Gordon (Pendle)
King, Andy (Rugby & Kenilworth) Prescott, Rt Hon John
Kirkwood, Archy Primarolo, Dawn
Kumar, Dr Ashok Prosser, Gwyn
Lawrence, Mrs Jackie Quin, Rt Hon Ms Joyce
Laxton, Bob Quinn, Lawrie
Lepper, David Radice, Rt Hon Giles
Levitt, Tom Rammell, Bill
Lloyd, Tony (Manchester C) Rapson, Syd
Llwyd, Elfyn Reid, Rt Hon Dr John (Hamilton N)
Lock, David Rendel, David
McAvoy, Thomas Rooker, Rt Hon Jeff
McCabe, Steve Rooney, Terry
McCafferty, Ms Chris Ross, Ernie (Dundee W)
McCartney, Rt Hon Ian (Makerfield) Rowlands, Ted
Roy, Frank
Macdonald, Calum Ruane, Chris
McDonnell, John Ruddock, Joan
McFall, John Russell, Bob (Colchester)
McGuire, Mrs Anne Russell, Ms Christine (Chester)
McIsaac, Shona Salter, Martin
Mackinlay, Andrew Sanders, Adrian
McNamara, Kevin Sarwar, Mohammad
McNulty, Tony Savidge, Malcolm
MacShane, Denis Sedgemore, Brian
Mactaggart, Fiona Shaw, Jonathan
McWalter, Tony Sheerman, Barry
Mahon, Mrs Alice Shipley, Ms Debra
Mallaber, Judy Simpson, Alan (Nottingham S)
Marsden, Gordon (Blackpool S) Skinner, Dennis
Marsden, Paul (Shrewsbury) Smith, Rt Hon Andrew (Oxford E)
Marshall, David (Shettleston) Smith, Angela (Basildon)
Marshall, Jim (Leicester S) Smith, Miss Geraldine (Morecambe & Lunesdale)
Marshall-Andrews, Robert
Martlew, Eric Smith, Jacqui (Redditch)
Maxton, John Smith, Llew (Blaenau Gwent)
Meacher, Rt Hon Michael Smith, Sir Robert (W Ab'd'ns)
Meale, Alan Snape, Peter
Merron, Gillian Soley, Clive
Michael, Rt Hon Alun Southworth, Ms Helen
Michie, Bill (Shef'ld Heeley) Spellar, John
Michie, Mrs Ray (Argyll & Bute) Squire, Ms Rachel
Milburn, Rt Hon Alan Starkey, Dr Phyllis
Mitchell, Austin Steinberg, Gerry
Moffatt, Laura Stevenson, George
Moonie, Dr Lewis Stewart, Ian (Eccles)
Morgan, Ms Julie (Cardiff N) Stinchcombe, Paul
Morley, Elliot Stoate, Dr Howard
Morris, Rt Hon Ms Estelle (B'ham Yardley) Stuart, Ms Gisela
Stunell, Andrew
Mountford, Kali Sutcliffe, Gerry
Mullin, Chris Taylor, Rt Hon Mrs Ann (Dewsbury)
Murphy, Denis (Wansbeck)
Murphy, Jim (Eastwood) Taylor, David (NW Leics)
Murphy, Rt Hon Paul (Torfaen) Taylor, Matthew (Truro)
Naysmith, Dr Doug Temple-Morris, Peter
Norris, Dan Thomas, Gareth (Clwyd W)
Oaten, Mark Thomas, Gareth R (Harrow W)
O'Brien, Bill (Normanton) Thomas, Simon (Ceredigion)
O'Brien, Mike (N Warks) Timms, Stephen
O'Hara, Eddie Tipping, Paddy
Olner, Bill Todd, Mark
O'Neill, Martin Touhig, Don
Öpik, Lembit Truswell, Paul
Organ, Mrs Diana Turner, Dr Desmond (Kemptown)
Palmer, Dr Nick Turner, Dr George (NW Norfolk)
Pearson, Ian Turner, Neil (Wigan)
Perham, Ms Linda Twigg, Derek (Halton)
Pickthall, Colin Tyler, Paul
Pike, Peter L Tynan, Bill
Plaskitt, James Vis, Dr Rudi
Ward, Ms Claire Wood, Mike
Wareing, Robert N Woolas, Phil
Watts, David Worthington, Tony
Whitehead, Dr Alan Wray, James
Williams, Rt Hon Alan (Swansea W) Wright, Anthony D (Gt Yarmouth)
Wright, Dr Tony (Cannock)
Williams, Alan W (E Carmarthen) Wyatt, Derek
Willis, Phil
Wills, Michael Tellers for the Ayes:
Winnick, David Mr. Clive Betts and
Winterton, Ms Rosie (Doncaster C) Mr. Mike Hall.
Davis, Rt Hon David (Haltemprice) Swayne, Desmond
Nicholls, Patrick
Paterson, Owen Tellers for the Noes:
Robertson, Laurence Mr. Eric Forth and
Soames, Nicholas Mr. Edward Leigh.

Question accordingly agreed to.

Motion made, and Question put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 58 (Consolidation of Bills), That the Bill be not committed.—[Mr. Clelland.]

Question agreed to.

Read the Third time, and passed, without amendment.