HC Deb 21 February 2000 vol 344 cc1234-5
15. Sir Sydney Chapman (Chipping Barnet)

What plans he has to update the strategic defence review with regard to numbers of personnel [109414]

The Secretary of State for Defence (Mr. Geoffrey Hoon)

There are no plans to change the manpower requirements for each of the three services identified during the strategic defence review.

Sir Sydney Chapman

Following the Ministry's recent recruiting initiatives, does the right hon. Gentleman agree that retention remains an increasingly serious problem? Will he confirm that a net figure of about 100 people a month leave the Army? How can he say that the Government are addressing and eliminating overstretch? Even at this late stage, will he not review the decision to cut the Territorial Army by 18,000, the reversal of which would be one of the most cost-effective measures he could take?

Mr. Hoon

It is no longer true that there is a net outflow from the Army. It was the case, but the situation has been turned around, and there is now a net inflow of about 30 people a month. The Government's policy has been successful. Recruiting has reached record levels lately. For example, Royal Marines officer posts are over-subscribed and we cannot satisfy all those who wish to join. In addition, the general services in the Royal Marines are expected to meet their target for the first time since 1994. We are doing well on recruitment.

The hon. Gentleman is right to say that retention remains of concern. It is important that people should remain in the armed forces for as long as they had planned to when they joined, but the problem is being addressed, both in terms of significant changes in our commitments, which were leading to overstretch towards the end of last year, and in terms of enhanced allowances and improved pay, which are now available. The hon. Gentleman would, I think, be satisfied by the considerable turn-around in recent months.