HC Deb 20 December 2000 vol 360 cc346-9
3. Mr. David Winnick (Walsall, North)

If he will make a statement on the peace process. [141753]

6. Mr. Barry Gardiner (Brent, North)

If he will make a statement on developments in the peace process in Northern Ireland. [141756]

7. Mr. Tony Baldry (Banbury)

If he will make a statement on the peace process in Northern Ireland. [141757]

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mr. Peter Mandelson)

Much has been achieved since Good Friday 1998. Progress has been made on key measures such as normalisation, the reviews of policing and criminal justice and the establishment of the devolved institutions. We still have some way to go, and the British and Irish Governments are working with the Northern Ireland political parties to ensure that progress continues on all fronts.

Mr. Winnick

Would not this be the appropriate time to thank President Clinton warmly for the time and commitment that he has given to the peace process in Northern Ireland? Is my right hon. Friend confident that the incoming United States Administration will also devote time and commitment to trying to bring a lasting peace to the people of Northern Ireland?

Mr. Mandelson

In the context of President Clinton's visit, I take the opportunity to thank the House for agreeing to the deferment of Northern Ireland oral questions until today. I especially thank my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales for taking his oral questions a week early. All this allowed my colleagues and me and Northern Ireland Members to meet President Clinton, who gave a very welcome impetus indeed to the continuing efforts to resolve the difficulties being experienced in the peace process. He received a very warm and justified welcome from people across the community in Northern Ireland.

I also take the opportunity to offer a welcome to President-elect Bush. I believe that he will have a serious interest in the affairs of Northern Ireland and will adopt an even-handed approach, and I look forward to working closely with members of his Administration.

Mr. Gardiner

While my right hon. Friend says that there is still some way to go, does he agree that the level of violence now in the Province is substantially reduced and incomparable with what it was a few years ago? Will he join me in paying tribute to the courage and vision of those who signed up to the Good Friday agreement? Does he agree that the House should give them all its support?

Mr. Mandelson

The reason why the security situation is transformed in Northern Ireland is that politics is at long last working there. That is due to the political parties and their leaders, who have shown great courage in taking the risks that they have for the sake of peace. For all the ups and downs that we have experienced in the past year, this has been a very good year indeed for Northern Ireland. The Good Friday agreement is at last being fully implemented. We have devolved government for the first time in 25 years. We have inclusive political, devolved government in Northern Ireland For the first time in its history. We have the human rights and the equality agendas firmly established. We have radical policing reform under way and criminal justice reform on its way; security has been normalised in most areas of Northern Ireland.

All that we need now is for a little bit of attention to be paid by the IRA and the loyalist paramilitaries to arms decommissioning. On that, I travel in hope, but let us not look on the downside because we have a lot to celebrate at the conclusion of this year.

Mr. Baldry

Surely decommissioning must involve more than the IRA simply storing arms that are still under its control in holes in the ground. Is the Secretary of State content with that situation? In the run-up to Christmas, would it not be in the spirit of Christmas and the real meaning of peace if Sinn Fein-IRA were at last to start a genuine programme of decommissioning?

Mr. Mandelson

I agree with the sentiments expressed by the hon. Gentleman. I do not take away from the IRA the significance of its opening up certain of its arms dumps to international inspection and allowing the reinspection of those arms dumps, which has confirmed that those arms have not been used in the meantime. But that is a start, not a substitute for decommissioning. It is very important for everyone to realise that, if politics is to work permanently and if we are to normalise security in Northern Ireland permanently, nothing will give us greater confidence than serious moves towards decommissioning on the part not only of the IRA but of the loyalist paramilitaries.

Mr. David Trimble (Upper Bann)

While I fully appreciate the interest of President Clinton and his support for political developments in Northern Ireland, does the Secretary of State not share with me a certain disappointment at the dilatory approach of the US Administration to including the Real IRA on the State Department list of terrorist organisations? Will he call again for further progress on that? Does he agree that it will not be possible for the Government to look at security levels in south Armagh until effective action is taken against the Real IRA so that the threat that it poses has been removed?

Mr. Mandelson

The right hon. Gentleman makes a very good point about the need to designate the Real IRA in terms of the anti-terrorist legislation in the United States. I am glad to say that, after an initial misunderstanding or lack of information—I do not know which—the United States Administration have now listened to, and considered rather more carefully, the representations that I have made. Given that the Irish Government have now decided to add their voice to that call, I am confident that the American Government will indeed designate the Real IRA. All that I can say is that, during President Clinton's visit, it was agreed that there should be a combined effort against the Real IRA by the security forces not only of the British and Irish Governments but of the American Government. I think that that will lead to the most sustained and intensive political and security effort against dissident republicans that we have seen to date.

Mr. John Hume (Foyle)

Does the Secretary of State agree that, in spite of our difficulties, substantial progress has been made and the atmosphere on our streets has been transformed by peace? We have made progress that no one could have forecast years ago; we have an Assembly that is representative of all sections of our people working positively together; and we have an executive Government of all sections of our people working together and making a positive impact. The atmosphere that that has created will strengthen the resolve to tackle the current difficulties.

Mr. Mandelson

The hon. Gentleman is justified in striking such an upbeat note at this time. The political will exists to carry us forward and to resolve the difficulties that relate to decommissioning, to the current sanction against Sinn Fein's participation in the north-south institutions and to the reform of policing. On that last point, it is important for the continued stability of Northern Ireland and the security normalisation that we want to take place that we make a good start to the new beginning that we are determined to make for policing. Some uncertainties on the new beginning remain, but I believe that they are temporary uncertainties. The Government's bottom line is that nothing should be done to deter the fresh recruitment that we want in the police service of Northern Ireland. That was Patten's bottom line; it remains mine, too.

Mr. Lembit Öpik (Montgomeryshire)

How will the Government be willing to assist former paramilitaries who are now establishing social inclusion projects in republican and loyalist communities to try to nurture more positive attitudes and to develop skills that are more in keeping with the more prosperous and peaceful environment in the Province today?

Mr. Mandelson

The provision of social and other support for ex-paramilitaries falls to the devolved Administration, but I have nothing but encouragement for former prisoners who have turned their backs on violence and who seek to put something back into the community. Through an intermediary funding body, I am responsible for the European Union's special support programme for peace and reconciliation that deals with ex-prisoners with paramilitary associations. Since 1995, more than £4 million has gone from the fund to support projects for ex-prisoners on both sides of the community.

Mr. Tony Clarke (Northampton, South)

On decommissioning, much has been said and reported about the inspection of dumps of paramilitary weapons that are held by the republican community. However, will my right hon. Friend pass comment on the lack of progress on decommissioning in the loyalist paramilitary community? The issue is often misinterpreted when we debate decommissioning, and it would be unfair not to mention the fact that, among loyalist paramilitaries and terrorists, decommissioning has not taken place and no progress has been made. [Interruption.]

Mr. Speaker

Order. Before the Secretary of State replies, may I ask for quiet in the Chamber?

Mr. Mandelson

I always couple my calls for decommissioning by the Provisional IRA with a demand for loyalist paramilitaries to do likewise. Progress on decommissioning is essential and it is an essential part of the Good Friday agreement. That is not because I seek to humiliate anyone or extract a sense of surrender, or because I wish to appease Unionist demands. I am not trying to avoid the further normalisation of security, either—quite the reverse. Progress on decommissioning is important precisely because it would create the very confidence that we need for normalisation to take place. By reducing the level of threat and the capability of terrorist organisations, decommissioning creates the circumstances in which further much-needed security normalisation can take place.

Mr. Andrew MacKay (Bracknell)

Will the Secretary of State confirm that there is still a grave security threat, especially in south Armagh, from the Real IRA and other dissident republican groups?

Mr. Mandelson

Yes, which is precisely why we have to be careful and cautious in our approach to normalisation. Yesterday, Martin McGuinness denounced me on the radio for having a militarist mindset, but far from being a militarist, I am a demilitarist. In the season of good will and, with Christmas spirit, I say to Sinn Fein and the IRA that the same standard of demilitarisation must apply to them equally if we are to make the progress that we want in normalisation. I hope that they will heed that and act on it without further delay.

Mr. MacKay

So did the Secretary of State share our concerns at weekend press reports that the Irish Government are putting pressure on him to reduce the security presence in south Armagh, which would be very dangerous? Will he again give an undertaking, on the Floor of the House, that there will be no change in security arrangements without the full consent and agreement of the General Officer Commanding of our forces in Northern Ireland and the Chief Constable? Does he agree that it is not a political issue, but entirely a security issue?

Mr. Mandelson

Yes, I can give that categoric assurance. I act on the advice of the Chief Constable with the GOC in support. While the working of politics is imperfect in Northern Ireland, the need for proper protection and security remains. Of course, judgment calls will need to be made on what is needed and what is possible in terms of normalisation in south Armagh and elsewhere, and I will not shy away from making those judgments. However, we must not lose sight of reality and the risks that we take in getting those decisions right.