HC Deb 13 April 2000 vol 348 c595

7 pm

Mr. David Lepper (Brighton, Pavilion)

I am pleased to present a petition from Prestonville Community Association in my constituency, which is signed by 1,128 residents and concerns land for which the association has planning permission for allotments and a wildlife site, but on which the owners, Rail Property Limited, are seeking permission to build flats.

The petition Declares that allotment land and wildlife areas in urban environments, such as the allotment land adjacent to 55 Highcroft Villas, Brighton should be preserved, protected and enhanced for the benefit of local people. The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urge the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions to do all in his power to prevent building developments from taking place on allotment land in general and specifically on the land at Highcroft Villas Brighton.

To lie upon the Table.

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