HC Deb 08 November 1999 vol 337 cc768-9

Lords amendment: No. 340, in page 106, line 29, after ("body") insert ("corporate")

Mr. Hill

I beg to move, That this House agrees with the Lords in the said amendment.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this it will be convenient to discuss Lords amendments Nos. 341 to 345, 347 to 353, 720 to 724 and 803.

Mr. Hill

These are new and exciting times for users of transport services in London, and we believe that, with its wider remit, the London Transport Users Committee will successfully build on the best traditions of the London Regional Passengers Committee. As part of the new democratic structures for London, it will ensure that the user's voice is clearly heard when the mayor and Assembly consider transport provision in the capital.

The amendments are essentially technical ones, filling out the LTUC remit and more clearly defining its relationship with the assembly. The amendments also reflect the careful consideration that we have given to some of the points raised by peers of all parties during the Bill's consideration in the other place. Lords amendment No. 341, for example, deals with the concerns of Liberal Democrat Members, both in this place—in particular the hon. Member for Kingston and Surbiton (Mr. Davey)—and in the other place—in particular Baroness Thomas of Walliswood and Baroness Hamwee—of ensuring that the committee is properly representative of the wider community of rail users in the area for which the LTUC is a rail user consultative committee. Similarly, Lord Dixon-Smith and Baroness Miller sought assurances on audit and account, which we have provided for in Lords amendment No. 721.

7.45 pm

The amendments also include our proposals for the Assembly to issue guidance and directions to the LTUC and to establish firmly the new relationship between the Assembly and the committee.

Lords amendment agreed to.

Lords amendment Nos. 341 to 353 agreed to.

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