HC Deb 19 May 1999 vol 331 c1049
6. Mr. David Amess (Southend, West)

What recent representations he has received on the service first programme. [83645]

The Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office (Mr. Peter Kilfoyle)

We have received no representations, but there has been a great deal of interest in and support for the service first programme, which is an important part of our modernising government initiative.

Mr. Amess

Now that the service first programme can be seen for the public relations exercise that it is, amounting to a lot of codswallop, will the Minister tell the House how many of the 5,000 people on this ridiculous panel are my constituents? How will his policy improve services? It seems to me that ever since we have had this dreadful Government, services have got much worse, especially services from Ministers.

Mr. Kilfoyle

I hope that the hon. Gentleman will reflect on the fact that Southend council is one of the councils interested in networking in the better government for older people pilot network, which is part of the service first unit. I hope that he will reconsider the position before he tells his local council that the process is, to quote him, a load of codswallop.