HC Deb 18 May 1999 vol 331 cc870-1
15. Ms Claire Ward (Watford)

If he will make a statement on the funding for the next three financial years of the British Council. [83514]

The Minister of State, Lord Chancellor's Department (Mr. Geoffrey Hoon)

As a result of the comprehensive spending review, the Government have been able to secure for the British Council £133.1 million in the first year, 1999-2000, rising to £136.1 million in the second year and £138.9 million in the third year. That means a real increase of about £2 million for each of those years. The British Council now has the resources to continue the excellent work that it does and to develop further programmes in line with the FCO's and its own objectives.

Ms Ward

I thank my hon. Friend for that reply. Does he agree that the British Council and the BBC World Service play an important part in representing Britain abroad and thus require stable and adequate funding for long-term planning? Is he also aware that, because the BBC World Service needs to be a quality service, it requires additional funding? Will he give an assurance that he will look into those matters?

Mr. Hoon

I do agree with my hon. Friend and, for that reason, I am particularly pleased that the comprehensive spending review settlement has been able to secure for the council a real increase in line with the FCO's own settlement uplift of about 2 per cent. That will give the British Council a period of stability and some real money with which to plan ahead. Clearly, at the end of that CSR period, the Government will consider further funding again.

Mr. Mike Hancock (Portsmouth, South)

Would it be possible for the Minister to agree that more resources ought to be given to the BBC World Service at this time to assist it in the work that it is doing in Serbia to bring the true story of the NATO action to the Serbian people, and to assist it in its interlink programme, the aim of which is to link refugee families who have been split up throughout Europe and among the three receiving nations?

Mr. Hoon

I agree; that is precisely why the Government have been concerned to ensure the stability of funding for the British Council so that it can plan ahead in the way that I have described.

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