HC Deb 25 March 1999 vol 328 c513
6. Mr. Alan Simpson (Nottingham, South)

What representations he has made on behalf of the UK cycle industry to the EU's review of current rules governing product dumping. [77038]

The Minister for Trade (Mr. Brian Wilson)

The Government supported the EU's review concerning anti-dumping duties on bicycles from China, which were due to expire last year. The Government will consider the proposals when they are issued by the European Commission, which is likely to take place in autumn this year. Duties are also in place on bicycle imports from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Taiwan.

Mr. Simpson

I am grateful for the Minister's answer. Will he press for a wider review of bike dumping than the EU is currently considering in order to close some of the existing loopholes? Will he pay specific attention to the problems that the United Kingdom cycle industry faces from, for example, Taiwan where the Government's research and development unit in T'ai-chung meets the entire costs, with no translated costs in the price of the cycles? Will my hon. Friend press for a review of the existing loopholes in the tariff system? If his officials will take him through the mystifying document referred to as the tariff, he will discover that if bicycles come in kit form—in parts—all the tariff and quota systems that the UK tries to impose can be bypassed. Does he understand the frustration of the UK cycle industry, which is trying to produce the whole cycle, but is being undercut by producers who come in with bikes with their kit off?

Mr. Wilson

I have made it clear that there are duties to cover bikes from Taiwan. I shall check whether it is with kit on or kit off. We are in constant contact with the industry. I shall be happy to investigate my hon. Friend's concerns. I am going to Taiwan on Sunday and I shall take advice on the matter that he has raised.