HC Deb 22 June 1999 vol 333 c1000
The Solicitor-General

I beg to move amendment No. 38, in page 65, line 28, leave out ', with the approval of the Treasury,'.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this, it will be convenient to discuss Government amendments Nos. 39 to 44.

The Solicitor-General

You will be pleased to know, Mr. Deputy Speaker, that the purpose of these seven amendments is to remove the requirement for Treasury consent or approval to arrangements for the pay, pensions and compensation of members and staff of the Legal Services Commission.

The amendments reflect the fact that it is no longer the practice for new legislation to make pay and pensions provisions for non-departmental public bodies subject to Treasury consent. The commission's pay and pensions arrangements will continue to be subject to the approval of the Lord Chancellor, who will consult the Treasury as appropriate on issues affecting spending and general policy on public pay, pensions and compensation terms.

The amendments are technical, designed to bring the relevant provisions in line with current Treasury policy.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendments made: No. 39, in page 65, line 32, leave out ', with the consent of the Treasury,'.

No. 40, in page 65, line 33, leave out ', with the consent of the Treasury,'.

No. 41, in page 65, line 46, leave out 'and consent of the Treasury'.

No. 42, in page 65, line 49, leave out 'and the consent of the Treasury'.

No. 43, in page 66, line 16, leave out 'and consent of the Treasury'.

No. 44, in page 66, line 41, leave out ', with the consent of the Treasury,'.—[Mr. Vaz.]

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