HC Deb 26 February 1999 vol 326 c712

Ordered, That a Select Committee of eight Members be appointed to join with a committee to be appointed by the Lords, to be the Joint Committee on Financial Services and Markets, to report on the consultative document on the draft Financial Services and Markets Bill presented by Her Majesty's Command on 21st December 1998 and any further draft of the Bill which may be laid upon the Table of both Houses by a Minister of the Crown;

Ordered, That three be the quorum of the Committee;

Ordered, That the Committee shall have power—

  1. (i)to send for persons, papers and records;
  2. (ii) to sit notwithstanding any adjournment of the House;
  3. (iii) to report from time to time;
  4. (iv) to appoint specialist advisers;
  5. (v) to adjourn from place to place within the United Kingdom;
  6. (vi) to communicate to any Select Committee appointed by either House its evidence and any documents of common interest;

Ordered, That the Committee shall report by 30th April 1999;

Ordered, That Mr. Nigel Beard, Mrs. Liz Blackman, Dr. Vincent Cable, Mr. David Heathcoat-Amory, Mr. David Kidney, Mr. Tim Loughton, Mr. James Plaskitt and Mr. Barry Sheerman be members of the Committee.—[Mr. Dowd.]

Message to the Lords to acquaint them therewith.