HC Deb 06 December 1999 vol 340 cc543-4
4. Mr. Ivan Henderson (Harwich)

How much money the Government are investing nationally in CCTV systems. [99679]

The Minister of State, Home Office (Mr. Charles Clarke)

Under the crime reduction programme closed circuit television initiative, we are investing £153 million over three years in new or extended CCTV systems in England and Wales. A further £13 million has been allocated to Scotland and £4 million to Northern Ireland. In England and Wales, we expect to allocate about £68 million to schemes during the current financial year, with the balance to be allocated in years two and three.

The first 35 successful bids were announced last week. They were awarded £3.9 million of this year's planned £68 million. Further awards will be announced in the middle of January.

Mr. Henderson

I thank the Minister for that reply. He will be aware that, under the crime and disorder partnership, Tendring district council has put in a bid for a self-contained mobile CCTV scheme. If the bid is successful, the council expects to reduce repeat victimisation by 30 per cent., by reducing criminal damage by 100 incidents a year, and car crime by 80 incidents a year. The scheme would then be extended from towns to rural areas. Will my hon. Friend assure me that he will give the scheme his personal careful consideration? Will he also tell the House when he expects to announce further successful bids for such schemes?

Mr. Clarke

I can assure my hon. Friend that I will give the matter my close personal attention. I congratulate the Tendring crime and disorder partnership on its bid for £36,000 and the potential total capital of about £120,000. That application was one of 373 bids shortlisted to prepare final proposals. As I said earlier, the results are due to be announced in mid-January.

Miss Julie Kirkbride (Bromsgrove)

I am sure that the Minister will be aware of the great success of the CCTV scheme in cutting both crime and vandalism in the centre of Bromsgrove. Of course, we have the previous Conservative Government to thank for their generosity in promoting that scheme. May I implore the Labour Government to be equally generous to the people of Bromsgrove? The district council has proposed the extension of the scheme to the shopping and village areas; that would enhance the benefits of the scheme—lowering vandalism and making Bromsgrove a safer place. I implore the Minister to consider that—especially in the light of the West Mercia police force budget and the reduction in the number of constables on the streets. If we cannot have constables to police our streets, perhaps we can have CCTV instead.

Mr. Clarke

The hon. Lady will be aware that the Government have allocated £170 million to CCTV compared with less than £39 million invested under the previous Government. I shall carefully consider the Bromsgrove scheme. I am not sure whether it is one of the 373 bids made so far, but it will be closely considered.

Dr. Vincent Cable (Twickenham)

What steps is the Minister taking to ensure that that valuable capital programme is backed by current spending? There is a growing suspicion that, in many cases, CCTV systems do not contain film, are not continually monitored and that the deterrent effect on vandals and graffiti artists is being dissipated.

Mr. Clarke

I should be interested to hear specific examples of that. The schemes that I have seen have been very successful. They have demonstrated substantial revenue savings—for example, on insurance and maintenance—and they have deterred crime in the way with which the hon. Gentleman is familiar. I am not aware of general unreadiness to put revenue funding into such schemes, but, if the hon. Gentleman has specific examples of that, I shall be glad to consider them.