HC Deb 30 April 1999 vol 330 cc673-6

Ordered, That the Order [13th January] relating to the Greater London Authority Bill (Programme) be supplemented as follows:

REPORT AND THIRD READING 1.—(1) Proceedings on consideration and Third Reading shall be completed in two allotted days and shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion at Ten o'clock on the second day. (2) On the first allotted day, paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 15 (Exempted business) shall apply to proceedings on the Bill for two hours after Ten o'clock.

PROCEEDINGS ON CONSIDERATION 2.—(1) The proceedings to be taken on consideration on each of the two allotted days shall be as shown in the second column of the Table in sub-paragraph (2) below and shall be taken in the order so shown. (2) Each part of the proceedings on those days shall, if not previously brought to a conclusion, be brought to a conclusion at the time specified in relation to that part of the proceedings in the Table.

Allotted day Proceedings Time for conclusion of proceedings
First day Amendments to Clauses 1 and 2, Amendments to Schedule 1,
Amendments to Clauses 3 and 4, Amendments to Schedule 2,
Amendments to Clauses 5 to 17, Amendments to Schedule 3,
Amendments to Clauses 18 to 24 New clases relating to Part 1 and New Schedules relating to Part I 6.00 p.m.
Amendments to Clauses 25 to 30, Amendments to Schedules 4,
Amendments to Clauses 31 to 66, New clauses relating to Part II and New Schedules relating to part II 7.30p.m.
Amendments to Clauses 67 to 72, Amendments to Schedule 5,
Amendments to Clauses 73 to 83, Amendments to Schedule 6,
Amendments to Clauses 84 to 118, Amendments to Schedule 7,
Amendments to Clauses 119 to 122, New Clauses relating to Part III and New Schedules relating to Part III 8.00p.m.
Amendments to Clauses 123 to 133
Amendments to clauses 8,
Amendments to Clauses 134 to 142,
Amendments to clauses 148 to 170,
Amendments to Clause 188, Amendments to Schedule 12,
Amendments to Clauses 189 to 193,
Amendments to Schedule 14,
Amendments to Clauses 194 to 196,
Amendments to Schedule 15,
Amendments to Clause 197, Amendments to Schedule 16,
Amendments to Clause 198, Amendments to Schedule 17,
Amendments to Clause 197 to 221, New Clauses relating to Chapters I II, IV, V and VII to XII of Part IV and New Schedule s relating to Chapters I II, IV, V and VII to XII of Part IV 9.30 p.m.
Amendments to Claus 224 to 228,
Amendments to Schedule 20, New Clauses relating of Part V, New Schedules relating to Part V,
Amendments to Clause 229, Amendments to Schedule 21,
Amendments to Clause 230 to 241,
Amendments to Schedule 22, New Clauses relating to Part VI, New Schedules relating to Part VI,
Amendments to Clause 242, Amendments to Schedule 23 and 24,
Amendments to Clause 243 to 247, New Clauses relating to Part VII, New Schedules relating to Part VII,
Amendments to Clause 248 to 264, New Clauses relating to Part VIII, New Schedules relating to Part VIII,
Amendments to Clause 265 to 283, New Clauses relating to Part IX, New Schedules relating to Part IX,
Amendments to Clause 284,
Amendment to Schedule 25,
Amendments to Clause 285 to 290, New Clauses relating to Part X, New Schedules relating to Part X,
Amendments to Clause 291 to 300, New Clauses relating to Parts XI and XII, New Schedules relating to Parts XI and XII Midnight
Second day Amendments to Clauses 143 to 147,
Amendments to Clauses 171 to 180,
Amendments to Schedules 10 and 11,
Amendments to Clauses 181 to 186, New Clauses relating to Chapters III and VI of Part IV, New Schedules relating to Chapters III and VI of Part IV,
Amendments to Clause 187, Amendments to Schedule 9 and Amendments to Schedule 13 6.30 p.m.
Amendments to Clause 222, Amendments to Schedule 18,
Amendments to Clause 223, Amendments to Schedule 19, remaining New Clauses, remaining New Schedules,
Amendments to Clauses 301 to 304, Amendments to Schedule 26 and Amendments to Clauses 305 and 306. 9.00 p.m.

CONCLUSION OF PROCEEDINGS 3.—(1) For the purpose of concluding any proceedings which are to be brought to a conclusion at a time appointed by this Order, the Speaker shall forthwith put the following Questions (but no others)—

  1. (a) any Question already proposed from the Chair;
  2. (b) any Question necessary to bring to a decision a Question so proposed;
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  4. (c) the Question on any amendment moved or Motion made by a Minister of the Crown;
  5. (d) any other Question necessary for the disposal of the business to be concluded.
(2) Proceedings under sub-paragraph (1) above shall not be interrupted under any Standing Order relating to sittings of the House and may be decided, though opposed, at any hour. (3) On a Motion made for a new Clause or a new Schedule, the Speaker shall put only the Question that the Clause or Schedule be added to the Bill. (4) If two or more Questions would fall to be put under sub-paragraph (1)(c) on amendments moved or Motions made by a Minister of the Crown, the Speaker shall instead put a single Question in relation to those amendments or Motions.

SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS 4. If any Motion is made by a Minister of the Crown to amend this Order so as to provide a greater amount of time for proceedings on the Bill under paragraph I or 2 of this Order, the Question thereon shall be put forthwith and may be decided, though opposed, at any hour.—[Mr. Robert Ainsworth.]