HC Deb 07 May 1998 vol 311 cc852-3
7. Mr. David Heath (Somerton and Frome)

What plans he has to increase the availability of musical instrument tuition in local education authority schools. [40039]

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Education and Employment (Ms Estelle Morris)

We recognise the important contribution which musical instrument tuition can make to every child's education. Our forthcoming consultation paper on local management of schools will set out our proposals to ensure that such tuition is funded properly.

Mr. Heath

I am most grateful for that answer, if a little puzzled by it. When, on 16 February, I asked the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport the very same question, he said that intensive discussions between the two Departments were under way to come up with specific proposals on musical instrument tuition, and that those proposals would be announced within a few weeks. I do not know how intensive the discussions are, but they are certainly protracted. Can the hon. Lady tell me when the proposals will be produced and we shall be able to restore some of the tuition that has been lost in recent years?

Ms Morris

The hon. Gentleman is right: my right hon. Friend is indeed looking into how we can improve music tuition in schools. We are talking to him about that to develop proposals. It is for him to say when he will make an announcement to the House.

Mr. Eric Clarke (Midlothian)

As a brass band lover, may I ask whether the Minister will include the instruments played by brass and silver bands in this particular policy? The fact is that that culture in mining and industrial areas is dying out. I hope that Ministers will encourage it to remain.

Ms Morris

My hon. Friend is right. It is crucial to retain that sort of activity in schools. One of the great joys of visiting schools throughout the country is seeing the high standard of performance of some of the orchestras and bands there and in local authority areas. I share my hon. Friend's pleasure in listening to brass bands; they should continue; under this Government they will thrive.

Mr. Nicholas Soames (Mid-Sussex)

Does the hon. Lady agree that, although music education provision is patchy across the country, the standard of youth music is extraordinarily high, for which teachers and pupils deserve great credit? Will she consider implementing a programme under which one school in each local authority is designated a centre of excellence for music tuition? The skills generated at such an establishment could then permeate the whole area.

Ms Morris

I share the hon. Gentleman's pleasure in the excellent music that we hear in schools. His idea is interesting. On specialist schools, he will know that the Government are considering the development of centres of excellence, which will benefit pupils not only at the school, but at feeder and neighbouring schools, as well as in the wider community. I shall certainly reflect on his suggestion.

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