HC Deb 23 March 1998 vol 309 cc13-4
12. Mr. Winnick

If she will make a statement on the proposed changes to disability benefits. [34053]

Mr. Denham

As announced in the Budget statement, we shall provide extra help for disabled people who want to work through the extension of the invalidity benefits linking rule and the removal of voluntary work limits from October this year. In addition, the transformation of disability working allowance into the more generous disabled person's tax credit from October 1999 will mean extra financial help for those who get a job.

Mr. Winnick

Does my hon. Friend accept that the Labour party has always been the champion of the disabled? I hope that we shall always remain so. If he does, does he also accept that those who are disabled and not in a position to work should in no way be penalised and that there is no justification for means-testing or taxing the benefits received by the disabled? In that way, we could demonstrate our continued support for those who suffer disability.

Mr. Denham

My hon. Friend is right to say that there will be those who are not able to work, but who are sick or disabled, and I can assure him that they have nothing to fear from this Government. The Government will always provide support for those in genuine need and, in the course of the welfare reform reviews that are taking place, we shall look at the best ways to provide support for those disabled people who are unable to take opportunities to work.

Mr. Gibb

Will the Minister now answer the question asked by the hon. Member for Walsall, North (Mr. Winnick) and say whether the Government intend to tax or means-test the disability living allowance?

Mr. Denham

We have clearly set out the basis on which we are approaching welfare reform. We recognise the extra costs involved for those who have disabilities. In the course of that welfare reform, we must identify the right way of providing support for those who need it.