HC Deb 13 March 1998 vol 308 cc866-8

'.—(1) Subject to compliance with subsections (2) and (3), hunting of feral mink with dogs shall be permitted on any land, river, lake, waterway or coastal area at the request of the owner or occupier thereof where that person reasonably believes that mink need to be controlled there in order to protect or conserve fish (whether required for angling or human consumption), waterfowl, ground nesting birds or other wild life. (2) Any person hunting mink under subsection (1), should take all reasonable steps to avoid unnecessary damage to habitat or wild life. (3) When any otter is located during the course of hunting all dogs under the control of the person hunting shall be withdrawn from the vicinity immediately. (4) Hunting of feral mink shall not be permitted in any area certified by the Environment Agency or the Scottish Environment Protection Agency as unsuitable for hunting because of likely disturbance to the habitat of wild life, provided the relevant Agency controls the mink in such area by other means. (5) For the purpose of this section "owner" shall include riparian owner.'.—[Kate Hoey.]

Brought up, and read the First time.

Motion made, and Question put, That the clause be read a Second time:—

The House proceeded to a Division

Angela Smith (Basildon)

(seated and covered): On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker. May I ask the Serjeant at Arms, through you, why it is taking so long to clear the Aye Lobby? Can the Serjeant at Arms be sent into the Lobby to see why the delay has occurred?

Mr. Deputy Speaker

I shall keep an eye on the situation, but the length of time taken for the Division, 12 minutes, has not yet been excessive—it has taken one minute longer than the previous ones. Certainly, if any further time passes, I shall send the Serjeant in.

The House having divided: Ayes 42, Noes 139.

Division No. 207] [10.47 am
Blunt, Crispin Hawkins, Nick
Boswell, Tim Heald, Oliver
Brooke, Rt Hon Peter Heathcoat—Amory, Rt Hon David
Clarke, Rt Hon Kenneth (Rushcliffe) Heseltine, Rt Hon Michael
Colvin, Michael Hoey, Kate
Curry, Rt Hon David Hogg, Rt Hon Douglas
Emery, Rt Hon Sir Peter Howarth, Gerald (Aldershot)
Forth, Rt Hon Eric Johnson Smith,
Garnier, Edward Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey
Gill, Christopher Lansley, Andrew
Goodlad, Rt Hon Sir Alastair Leigh, Edward
Gray, James Luff, Peter
Greenway, John Lyell, Rt Hon Sir Nicholas
Gummer, Rt Hon John McIntosh, Miss Anne
Hamilton, Rt Hon Sir Archie MacKay, Andrew
Maclean, Rt Hon David
Maginnis, Ken Taylor, Ian (Esher & Walton)
Mawhinney, Rt Hon Sir Brian Wilkinson, John
Öpik, Lembit Woodward, Shaun
Prior, David Yeo, Tim
Robathan, Andrew
Spicer, Sir Michael Tellers for the Ayes:
Spring, Richard Mr. Peter Atkinson and
Streeter, Gary Mr. Owen Paterson.
Ainger, Nick King, Andy (Rugby & Kenilworth)
Anderson, Janet (Rossendale) King, Ms Oona (Bethnal Green)
Atkins, Charlotte Lawrence, Ms Jackie
Atkinson, David (Bour'mth E) Lepper, David
Austin, John Lloyd, Tony (Manchester C)
Ballard, Mrs Jackie Love, Andrew
Barnes, Harry McCabe, Steve
Begg, Miss Anne McDonagh, Siobhain
Benn, Rt Hon Tony McFall, John
Bennett, Andrew F McIsaac, Shona
Bradley, Peter (The Wrekin) Mackinlay, Andrew
Bradshaw, Ben McNamara, Kevin
Brake, Tom McNulty, Tony
Brown, Rt Hon Nick (Newcastle E) MacShane, Denis
Buck, Ms Karen Marshall—Andrews, Robert
Burden, Richard Martlew, Eric
Butler, Mrs Christine Merron, Gillian
Byers, Stephen Michie, Bill (Shef'ld Heeley)
Campbell, Alan (Tynemouth) Miller, Andrew
Caplin, Ivor Moffatt, Laura
Casale, Roger Morgan, Ms Julie (Cardiff N)
Caton, Martin Morley, Elliot
Cawsey, Ian Mountford, Kali
Clapham, Michael Murphy, Paul (Torfaen)
Clark, Rt Hon Dr David (S Shields) Naysmith, Dr Doug
Clark, Dr Lynda (Edinburgh Pentlands) Norris, Dan
Clarke, Charles (Norwich S) O'Brien, Mike (N Warks)
Clarke, Tony (Northampton S) Olner, Bill
Clwyd, Ann Palmer, Dr Nick
Coaker, Vernon Pickthall, Colin
Coleman, Iain Pike, Peter L
Cooper, Yvette Pound, Stephen
Corbyn, Jeremy Prentice, Ms Bridget (Lewisham E)
Corston, Ms Jean Prescott, Rt Hon John
Cousins, Jim Primarolo, Dawn
Cox, Tom Prosser, Gwyn
Darvill, Keith Quinn, Lawrie
Davis, Terry (B'ham Hodge H) Rammell, Bill
Dobbin, Jim Rapson, Syd
Dowd, Jim Reed, Andrew (Loughborough)
Eagle, Angela (Wallasey) Rendel, David
Etherington, Bill Rooker, Jeff
Ewing, Mrs Margaret Ruane, Chris
Fitzpatrick, Jim Russell, Bob (Colchester)
Flint, Caroline Savidge, Malcolm
Flynn, Paul Sawford, Phil
Foster, Don (Bath) Sedgemore, Brian
Foster, Michael J (Worcester) Shaw, Jonathan
Gale, Roger Skinner, Dennis
Gibson, Dr Ian Smith, Angela (Basildon)
Gilroy, Mrs Linda Smith, Jacqui (Redditch)
Gordon, Mrs Eileen Smith, Llew (Blaenau Gwent)
Hall, Mike (Weaver Vale) Southworth, Ms Helen
Hancock, Mike Squire, Ms Rachel
Henderson, Ivan (Harwich) Starkey, Dr Phyllis
Hill, Keith Stewart, Ian (Eccles)
Hughes, Kevin (Doncaster N) Stinchcombe, Paul
Hughes, Simon (Southwark N) Taylor, Rt Hon Mrs Ann (Dewsbury)
Hutton, John Taylor, Sir Teddy
Iddon, Dr Brian Thomas, Gareth R (Harrow W)
Jackson, Ms Glenda (Hampstead) Timms, Stephen
Jackson, Helen (Hillsborough) Tipping, Paddy
Jones, Dr Lynne (Selly Oak) Todd, Mark
Kelly, Ms Ruth Turner, Dr Desmond (Kemptown)
Kennedy, Jane (Wavertree) Turner, Dr George (NW Norfolk)
Twigg, Stephen (Enfield) Williams, Alan W (E Carmarthen)
Vis, Dr Rudi Winterton, Ms Rosie (Doncaster C)
Walley, Ms Joan Wright, Anthony D (Gt Yarmouth)
Watts, David
White, Brian Tellers for the Noes:
Whitehead, Dr Alan Mr. John Heppell and
Mr. Joe Benton.

Question accordingly negatived.

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