HC Deb 02 March 1998 vol 307 c725

  1. '.—(1) The Assembly shall make a scheme setting out its proposals for securing that its functions are exercised with due regard to the principle that sustainable development should be promoted.
  2. (2) The Assembly shall keep the scheme under review and in the year following each ordinary election shall consider whether it should be remade or revised.
  3. (3) The Assembly may not delegate the function of making, or remaking or revising, the scheme to—
    1. (a) a committee of the Assembly, or
    2. (b) a member of the Assembly's staff.
  4. (4) The Assembly shall publish the scheme when first made and whenever subsequently remade and, if the scheme is revised without being remade, shall publish either the revisions or the scheme as revised (as it considers appropriate).
  5. (5) The Assembly shall consult such persons or bodies as it considers appropriate before making, remaking or revising the scheme.
  6. (6) After each financial year of the Assembly, the Assembly shall publish a report of how its proposals as set out in the scheme were implemented in that financial year.'.—[Mr. Ron Davies.]

Brought up, read the First and Second time, and added to the Bill.

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