HC Deb 15 June 1998 vol 314 c17
13. Mr. Howard Flight (Arundel and South Downs)

If he will review the financial arrangements for commercial activities carried out within prisons. [44255]

The Minister of State, Home Office (Ms Joyce Quin)

The financial arrangements for commercial activities within prisons were recently reviewed, and I am pleased to announce that governors have been given increased flexibility in the use of income from commercial activities. That should enable them to use some additional income from increased industrial activity, which should further the goal of expanding prison industries—a goal to which the Government are firmly attached.

Mr. Flight

My question was prompted by a recent visit to the Ford establishment in my constituency. In that establishment, commercial activities such as horticulture, metalwork, woodwork and laundry work do not have the investment capital that would enable them to bid for contracts. The trustees and the head of the prison told me that all the revenues were retained by the Treasury. Will the proposed changes specifically address the streamlining of investment decisions to gain maximum scope from commercial activities in prison?

Ms Quin

The changes that I have announced will help reinvestment so that prison industries can expand in places such as Ford. I also understand that Ford is likely to take part in the workshop expansion scheme, which is an important part of our efforts to increase workshop activity within prisons.

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