§ 8.9 pm
§ Charlotte Atkins (Staffordshire, Moorlands)I have pleasure in presenting this petition, which has been signed by more than 680 of my constituents, who wish to preserve the beautiful tranquillity of a delightful area on the edge of Leek. Known as Ladydale, that lovely wooded area surrounds an ancient well. Residents wish to protect the area from future housing and development plans for themselves and the future generations of Leek. The petition states:
Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your honourable House urge the Secretary of State for the Environment Transport and Regions to call in the Staffordshire Moorlands Local Plan Housing Policy No. FMOD-H1 and take whatever action is required to safeguard Ladydale II and Ashenhurst Way from any future development plans.
§ To lie upon the Table.