HC Deb 21 July 1998 vol 316 cc910-1
36. Mr. Nicholas Winterton (Macclesfield)

When he proposes to put before the House the regulations extending conditional fee agreements. [49909]

The Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department (Mr. Geoffrey Hoon)

A draft order was laid before the House on 16 July.

Mr. Winterton

I thank the Minister for his reply. In principle, I am in favour of conditional fee agreements because they can provide increased access to justice in addition to that which is available today. Does he agree that, if conditional fee agreements are to be successful, there must be adequate insurance cover for that purpose? At the moment, it appears that there is little guidance available from the Government and the Lord Chancellor's Department. Will he provide guidance so that, when the conditional fee agreements come in—as I hope they will—there will be adequate insurance to ensure that they are successful?

Mr. Hoon

I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for his support. He is right to say that conditional fees depend on adequate and effective insurance cover. The Government have had a series of meetings with different insurance providers, and it is clear that a wide variety of products will be available to support conditional fee agreements. Inevitably, the industry is waiting to see the results of any change in the law that Parliament might approve. It is necessary that we go ahead, lay the order before Parliament and seek parliamentary approval. We are confident that insurance products will be available to support an extension of conditional fee agreements.