HC Deb 12 January 1998 vol 304 c15
12. Mr. Robathan

If he will make a statement on the deployment of British forces in the Persian Gulf. [20207]

Mr. George Robertson

British forces are deployed to the Gulf in support of our national interests and to assist in international efforts to ensure that the Iraqi Government comply with the requirements of the United Nations Security Council.

Mr. Robathan

The House will know that this week is the seventh anniversary of the start of hostilities in the Gulf war. Almost everyone in the House will agree that it is a great pity that Saddam Hussein is still terrorising the civilian population of Iraq, making mischief in the middle east and impeding efforts towards peace there. May I pay tribute to the Government for their steadfast attitude towards Iraq, despite some opposition? Will the Secretary of State reassure the House that the Government will maintain their strong position against Saddam Hussein until he accepts the United Nations resolutions, and while it remains in our national interest so to do?

Mr. Robertson

I can indeed confirm that. I also thank the hon. Gentleman for his contribution to cross-party support for the firm, steadfast and, I believe, correct stance that the Government have taken in respect of the continuing crisis created by Saddam Hussein and for the regret that he expressed that, seven years after the end of the Gulf war, Saddam Hussein continues to persecute his own people and threaten his neighbours. I can assure the hon. Gentleman that the inspectors in the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq, including some from the British Ministry of Defence, are working not simply on behalf of the United Nations and the neighbours of Iraq, but for the rest of the world. I offer the House one piece of evidence that highlights that message and underlines the frightening potential of Saddam Hussein. UNSCOM verified that 16 sarin-filled warheads and 14 missile warheads filled with binary chemical weapon components were found and destroyed by international weapons inspectors. There are more and they represent a huge and terrifying threat to the region and the world.