HC Deb 23 February 1998 vol 307 c38 4.29 pm
Dr. Nick Palmer (Broxtowe)

On a point of order, Madam Speaker. I should like to correct a statistic that I gave the House two weeks ago. When I introduced the Acquisition and Possession of Air Weapons (Restriction) Bill, I said that 7,000 police officers had been injured and one had been killed by airguns in recent years. It turns out that that was the number of injuries sustained by the general public, whereas I interpreted it as injuries sustained by the police. I want to correct that. I am appreciative of the hon. Member for Blaby (Mr. Robathan), who drew the error to my attention. I apologise for unintentionally misinforming the House.

Madam Speaker

The House is grateful to the hon. Member.

Mr. John Swinney (North Tayside)

On a point of order, Madam Speaker. I want to raise an issue relating to the Committee stage of the Scotland Bill, which we are about to commence.

Madam Speaker

Can the point of order wait for the Second Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means, who is in charge of the Committee stage and has the authority to deal with the hon. Member's point?

Mr. Tam Dalyell (Linlithgow)

On a point of order, Madam Speaker. You have been very generous with statements, private notice questions and points of order on Iraq. Have you had any request from the Attorney-General to make a statement on whether Her Majesty's Government are trying to build into a new Security Council resolution the authority, based on international law, for military action to be taken against Iraq in the event of a further breach of agreement? If so, that is, by implication, a recognition of the fact that any military action by the United States is illegal under international law. Have you received any such request from the Attorney-General, to whom I have spoken personally?

Madam Speaker

I have received no such request from the Attorney-General or from any other source on that matter.