HC Deb 23 January 1997 vol 288 cc1143-4
Mr. Clappison

I beg to move amendment No. 32, in page 15, line 38, leave out 'in the council's area'.

Madam Deputy Speaker

With this, it will be convenient to discuss the following amendments: No. 23, in page 15, line 39, after 'area', insert 'or which serves the needs of persons living within the Council's area.

Government amendments Nos. 33 and 24.

Mr. Clappison

Amendments Nos. 32, 33 and 24 fulfil undertakings we gave in Committee, and I believe that they will be widely welcomed. On that basis, I hope that the hon. Member for Newbury (Mr. Rendel) will feel able to withdraw amendment No. 23.

Mr. Rendel

I shall not detain the House long on this amendment. I was delighted to see that one of my amendments had been taken over by the Government, particularly as I had already tabled it for this debate before the Government tabled their amendments. I moved this precise amendment in Committee, when the Minister said that he would look at it again and bring forward a technically proven amendment on Report. I am delighted to hear that my original amendment in Committee and this amendment on Report have now been proved by him to be technically competent.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendments made: No. 33, in page 16, line 4, after `if' insert—

'(a) the bus service benefits, or appears to the council likely to benefit, persons living in the council's area, and (b)".'. No. 24, in page 16, leave out lines 8 to 10.—[Mr. Clappison.]

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