HC Deb 08 December 1997 vol 302 cc665-6
36. Mr. Pickthall

If he will make a statement about the future of magistrates courts in Lancashire. [18014]

Mr. Hoon

The Lancashire magistrates courts committee continues to be responsible for the efficient and effective administration of the magistrates courts. The Department has no proposals in respect of magistrates courts in Lancashire.

Mr. Pickthall

Will my hon. Friend give me his thinking on two aspects? First, in any reconfiguration of the Lancashire courts, will he expect the court areas to be co-terminous with police areas? Secondly, what is his attitude to mini private finance initiative schemes for the refurbishment of existing buildings instead of the building of brand new ones?

Mr. Hoon

Coterminosity is a matter for the local magistrates courts committee, although I recently told the House that we would welcome any voluntary proposals to bring it about. We see real advantages in consistent boundaries for police authorities, the Crown Prosecution Service and magistrates courts committees, and real benefits for the justice system in such consistency.

A number of PFI schemes have already attracted tremendous interest from the private sector. They will allow us to build the new magistrates courts that are desperately needed. I have every expectation that they will be successful.

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