HC Deb 04 December 1997 vol 302 cc481-3
30. Mr. Baker

in what proportion of police investigations into alleged cases of cruelty to animals referred to it, the case was prosecuted by the Crown Prosecution Service in the last year for which figures are available. [17695]

The Attorney-General

The Crown Prosecution Service does not record the number of prosecutions by offence type. The information requested can be obtained only at disproportionate cost by a survey of case files held by the Crown Prosecution Service. Most cases of this type are investigated and prosecuted by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Mr. Baker

Does the Attorney-General recognise that the public give a high priority to cases involving animal welfare in general, and especially to cases involving cruelty to animals? I am sure that hon. Members have postbags full of letters of concern from constituents about instances of animal cruelty. Does the Attorney-General share my disappointment that so many prosecutions are left to the RSPCA? That organisation does a wonderful job, but in a sense the fact that the RSPCA rather than the police undertakes the prosecutions downgrades the seriousness of the offences in some people's eyes. Will the right hon. and learned Gentleman make it clear that he and the Government take cruelty to animals extremely seriously, that they will do all that they can to ensure that there are more prosecutions with longer sentences, and that cruelty to animals will be eliminated as far as possible?

The Attorney-General

I fully share the hon. Gentleman's concern about cruelty to animals. Traditionally, the RSPCA has carried out investigations thoroughly and has prosecuted. The hon. Gentleman may have seen inThe Times today a report of a substantial prosecution carried out successfully by the Crown Prosecution Service in which the RSPCA gave evidence. I myself used to prosecute on behalf of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; prosecution was the society's role and it was happy to carry it out. I am sure that if there is a need for further co-ordination, it can be done. The Crown Prosecution Service plays an important part, with the voluntary organisations, in the law enforcement steering group which co-ordinates the approach of all the agencies involved. I fully share the hon. Gentleman's concern.

Mr. Kidney

In Stafford the RSPCA does excellent work across the whole range of animal welfare including, as the Attorney-General said, the prosecution of cases of cruelty in the magistrates court. Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that the answer to the question put by the hon. Member for Lewes (Mr. Baker) is that the Crown Prosecution Service should work closely with the RSPCA and similar organisations to ensure the prosecution of cases of cruelty?

The Attorney-General

I can assure my hon. Friend that the Crown Prosecution Service does so. As I said, there is a group called the wildlife law enforcement steering group, which was convened by the Department of the Environment some years ago. The Crown Prosecution Service is a member of that group, as are the Association of Chief Police Officers and the relevant statutory and voluntary agencies. I am confident that regular work has been done in the field; I rely on my professional experience as a young man.

Mr. Sayeed

I am sorry that the Attorney-General is following the example of his ministerial comrades and not answering the substantive question, which was a simple one about how many cases of animal cruelty were prosecuted by the CPS. All that his Department needed to do was to pick up the phone and ring the RSPB and the RSPCA. The right hon. and learned Gentleman could then have said where the majority of cases came from and how many were being prosecuted. Why can we not have some clear answers for a change?

The Attorney-General

I am sorry to say that the hon. Gentleman either was not listening or is hard of hearing—[Interruption.] I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. I said specifically that the figures are not available. They were not available under the previous Administration, and they are not available now.

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