HC Deb 03 December 1997 vol 302 cc344-5
6. Mr. Clappison

What plans he has to ensure that housing developments in Wales are restricted to brown-field sites. [17475]

Mr. Win Griffiths

"Planning Guidance (Wales) Planning Policy" of May 1996 stresses that full and effective use should be made of land within existing urban areas. The use of appropriate vacant land within urban areas for housing development can assist regeneration and relieve pressure for development in the countryside.

Mr. Clappison

1 hope that the Government will not aggravate their problems with Cardiff city council by seeking to locate the Welsh Assembly on a green-field site. What proportion of new housing in Wales does the Minister think can be built on previously developed brown-field sites? What is his target?

Mr. Griffiths

At the moment, more than half of all housing being financed by Tai Cymru—Housing in Wales—is being built on brown-field sites. Earlier this year, I asked local authorities in Wales to consider creating green belts where they had particular evidence of urban sprawl. We are doing everything possible to ensure that brown-field sites in Wales are utilised to the full. [Interruption.]

Madam Speaker

Order. I hope that hon. Members are sitting comfortably. I was watching what was going on.