HC Deb 29 October 1996 vol 284 cc439-40

Ordered, Returns for Session 1994–95 of—

  1. (1) Business of the House;
  2. (2) Closure of Debate and Allocation of Time;
  3. (3) Private Bills and Private Business;
  4. (4) Public Bills;
  5. (5) Sittings of the House;
  6. (6) Special Procedure Orders;
  7. (7) Standing Committees; and
  8. (8) Select. Committees in the same terms as the Orders made on 14th December 1994; and
  9. (9) Delegated Legislation and Deregulation Proposals, &c., showing:—
    1. (A) the numbers of Instruments subject to the different forms of parliamentary procedure and those for which no parliamentary procedure is prescribed by statute (1) laid before the House; and (2) considered by the Joint Committee and Select Committee on Statutory Instruments, respectively, pursuant to their orders of reference, setting out the grounds on which Instruments may be drawn to the special attention of the House under Standing Order No. 124 (Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)) and specifying the number of Instruments so reported under each of these grounds;
    2. (B) the numbers of Instruments subject to parliamentary procedure, other than draft deregulation orders, considered by the House and by Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation, respectively, showing in each case the numbers subject to affirmative and to negative procedure; and
    3. (C) the numbers of deregulation proposals and draft orders, showing for deregulation proposals the numbers in respect of which the Deregulation Committee recommended that a draft order in the same terms should be laid before the House, that the proposals should be amended, and that the order-making power should not be used, respectively; and for draft orders the number in respect of which the Deregulation Committee recommended that the draft order should be approved, and whether or not the recommendation was agreed upon Division, and those which the Committee recommended should not be approved, respectively, and in each case, the decision of the House.—[The First Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means.]