HC Deb 18 November 1996 vol 285 c711

  1. 1.—(1 ) The proceedings in Committee of the whole House shall be completed in two allotted days and shall be brought to a conclusion at Ten o'clock on the second of those days.
  2. (2) On the first allotted day—
    1. (a) proceedings on any amendments to Clause No. 1 which may be selected and which would amend that Clause at any place before the words "a small-calibre pistol" at line 16 of page 1 of the Bill shall be brought to a conclusion one hour after the commencement of proceedings on the first such amendment;
    2. (b) proceedings on any amendments to Clause No. 1 which may be selected and which would leave out the words "a small-calibre pistol" at line 16 of page I of the Bill shall be brought to a conclusion three hours after the commencement of proceedings on the first such amendment;
    3. (c) proceedings on any other amendments to Clause No. I which may be selected shall be brought to a conclusion one hour after the commencement of proceedings on the first such amendment; and
    4. (d) the remaining proceedings on Clause No. I shall be brought to a conclusion one hour after their commencement
  3. (3) No motion as to the order in which proceedings are to be considered in the Committee shall be made except by a Minister of the Crown and the Question on any such motion shall be put forthwith.
  4. (4) When the Order of the Day is read for the House to resolve itself into a Committee on the Bill, the Speaker shall leave the Chair without putting any Question and the House shall resolve itself into a Committee forthwith whether or not notice of an Instruction to the Committee has been given; and Standing Order No. 64 (Committee of whole House on bill) shall not apply.
  5. (5) Paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 14 (Exempted business) shall apply to the proceedings to which this paragraph applies on the first allotted day.
  6. (6) Standing Order No. 80 (Business Committee) shall not apply in relation to the proceedings to which this paragraph applies.