HC Deb 13 May 1996 vol 277 cc635-6
34. Mr. John Marshall

To ask the Chairman of the Public Accounts Commission what is the number of accountants employed by the Comptroller and Auditor General. [27701]

Sir Peter Hordern (Chairman of the Public Accounts Commission)

I understand that the National Audit Office currently employs more than 350 qualified accountants and 70 qualified accounting technicians. A further 103 staff are training for those qualifications. In addition, the NAO contracts out about 12 per cent. of accounts audit work to the private sector. As a result, all accounts are audited by trained staff.

Mr. Marshall

Would my right hon. Friend consider the secondment of just one of those accountants to the United Nations so that Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali could learn the virtues of economy? Could he also send one to the German Government, who have yet to pay their annual subscription to the United Nations? Should not those who call for a single European foreign policy at least be willing to pay the bill?

Sir Peter Hordern

The Comptroller and Auditor General is a member of a three-nation board that audits the accounts of the United Nations. Of course, in that capacity he is responsible to the United Nations and not to the House, but if he is able to establish that contributions have not been paid and that the United Kingdom bears an undue burden as a result of that, it would be open to any Member of the House or the Public Accounts Committee to ask him for a report so that the issue could be considered.