HC Deb 01 May 1996 vol 276 cc1133-4
5. Mr. Michael J. Martin

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what steps he is taking to deter drug abuse in Scotland; and if he will make a statement. [26054]

The Minister of State, Scottish Office (Lord James Douglas-Hamilton)

On 7 May we are launching a new all-party drugs campaign, which will build on the significant progress that has been made in implementing the recommendations of the ministerial drugs task force report.

Mr. Martin

Every mother and father heaves a sigh of relief when their child joins a youth club, because when they are in the youth clubs they are off the streets and away from the drug pushers. Will the Government give every encouragement to local authorities and the voluntary sector by helping such organisations? People in my community and throughout Scotland are also sickened to see those who are making money from drugs buying up land, public houses and taxi companies and many other so-called legitimate organisations. May we hope that the courts will not only sentence those people harshly but take away their ill-gotten gains?

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

I agree whole-heartedly with everything that the hon. Gentleman has said. We have passed into legislation measures to the effect that the proceeds of drug trafficking should rightly be confiscated. That provision is in place, and that is now happening in Scotland. Youth clubs need to be strongly supported, as the hon. Gentleman said, and I am glad to confirm that the all-party campaign will build on, not replace, the drugs task force work already under way. As the hon. Gentleman knows, the drug action teams are very active in and around his constituency. Many measures have been put in place, and we intend to advance them in a co-ordinated manner.

Mr. Bill Walker

What measures will my hon. Friend introduce to tackle the problem that arises when senior social workers make comments that are unhelpful to the all-party campaign? There is no doubt that the great advantage of the all-party campaign has been its all-party basis, and it is making progress.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

I think I know what my hon. Friend is referring to, and I am glad to note that the person concerned subsequently acknowledged that drug misuse was illegal and unsafe, and declared that she would never condone the taking of Ecstasy or any other drug. [Interruption.]

Madam Speaker

Order. There are a lot of arguments across the Floor of the House. Has the Minister completed his answer?

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

It was impossible for me to hear what the hon. Member for Dundee, West (Mr. Ross) was saying, but I shall be only too happy to answer him.

Madam Speaker

The hon. Gentleman did not ask the question. It was asked by someone else. Has the Minister finished? If he has, I will call Mr. Davidson, who very seldom gets called.

Mr. Davidson

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I am particularly glad to be called today as this programme appears on Scottish television, although my mother, who resides in Galashiels, will not be able to see it because Border Television does not carry the programme.

Does the Minister agree that, in the fight against drug dealers, the police are greatly handicapped because, when they catch people for offences and charge them, those people are often quickly back out on the streets, either because the procurator fiscal's department does not oppose bail or because the courts grant it far too readily? In my constituency, there are many youngsters running around who have committed serious offences with knives. They are released and can then offend again. Such occurrences demoralise the police and the public. What does the Minister intend to do about that?

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

I shall certainly look into the matter, although it comes within the responsibility of the Lord Advocate. The hon. Gentleman will be aware that guidelines have been issued to procurators fiscal, especially in relation to restricting bail. If the hon. Gentleman will give me the names and examples, I will ensure that the matter is followed up speedily with the Law Officers.

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