HC Deb 04 March 1996 vol 273 cc122-3 10.15 pm
Dr. Robert Spink (Castle Point)

It is with regret that I present a petition to save Hadleigh school's playing fields. I should not have to save those fields, because the Liberal and Labour-controlled Essex county council could and should even now withdraw its claim to them.

The petition was raised by Hadleigh junior school and Hadleigh infants school to save their playing fields and was signed by more than 600 of my constituents. The petition reads: To the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament Assembled, the Humble Petition of the residents of Hadleigh and the surrounding area, Sheweth that we, the undersigned, are deeply concerned that Essex County Councillors decided to fence off and claim ownership of part of a playing field which had previously served Hadleigh Junior School. That the aforementioned Councillors did this as part of a political response to the democratic decision of parents to secure for the school Grant Maintained status. That we are deeply concerned that the whole playing field is needed by the children and should be retained for educational and community use. That we are deeply concerned about the County Councillors' intention to build homes on the land or to sell off the land for housebuilding at some time in the future. That we deplore the decision of Labour Borough Councillors to change the Local Plan Draft in order to remove the designation of the field for educational use. That we support Councillor Doug Robert's objection to the Borough Draft Local Plan to reinstate the land usage as exclusively educational and community use which would prevent further housebuilding and all the consequential adverse environmental and traffic implications. We are disappointed that the Educational Assets Board have rejected Hadleigh Junior School's claim against the County Councillors and we seek to have this decision reversed. Wherefore your petitioners pray, that your Honourable House do urge the right hon. John Major MP, Prime Minister, to use his powers to reverse the decision of the Education Assets Board and save Hadleigh School playing field for the children. And your petitioners in duty bound will ever pray.

To lie upon the Table.

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