HC Deb 10 July 1996 vol 281 cc533-4
Madam Speaker

Motion 6 now falls.

Queen's recommendation having been signified—

Resolved, That the following provision shall be made with respect to the salaries of Members of this House—

  1. (1) In respect of service in the period starting with I st July 1996 and ending with 31st March 1997 the salary of a Member shall be at a yearly rate of £43,000.
  2. (2) For each year starting with 1st April, from 1997 onwards, the yearly rate shall be increased by the average percentage by which the mid-points of the Senior Civil Service pay bands having effect from 1st April of that year have increased compared with the previous 1st April.
  3. (3) The mid-point of a Senior Civil Service pay band is the point half way between the maximum and the minimum.—[Mr. Ottaway.]