HC Deb 14 February 1996 vol 271 c1008
18. Mr. McFall

To ask the President of the Board of Trade when he next plans to meet representatives of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux to discuss problems encountered with British Gas. [13522]

Mr. John M. Taylor

I have no such plans.

Mr. McFall

At a time of record referrals to the Gas Consumers Council and to citizens advice bureaux, how can the Minister justify an overall cut to the CAB during the past two years? At a time of massive dissatisfaction with British Gas, is it not obscene that the charter mark is still on gas bills? Will the Minister take steps today to ensure that that charter mark is removed?

Mr. Taylor

Madam Deputy Speaker—

Mr. Tony Banks

It is Madam Speaker.

Mr. Taylor

Madam Speaker, I do apologise. I do not know whether the hon. Member for Dumbarton (Mr. McFall) was in the House during an earlier question about gas, but I am the first to concede that the number of complaints in relation to gas has increased. It is perfectly clear that British Gas must do better to retain its customer loyalty. The hon. Gentleman referred, in particular, to NACAB. This afternoon, I have been defending the customer safeguard arrangements. I must say that, in the context of NACAB, I announced a fortnight ago that its grant had been increased by £600,000 this year. As far as I could tell from my most recent visit to NACAB, the people there were very pleased about that.