HC Deb 10 December 1996 vol 287 c187

Mr. Michael Jack accordingly presented a Bill to apply certain funds out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on 31 March 1997; And the same was read the First time; and ordered to be read a Second time, and to be printed [Bill 50].

Question, That the Bill be now read a Second time, put forthwith, pursuant to Order [6 December] and Standing Order No. 54 (Consolidated Fund Bills), and agreed to. Question, That the Bill be now read the Third time, put forthwith, and agreed to. Bill accordingly read the Third time, and passed.

Mr. Eric Pickles (Brentwood and Ongar)

On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker. It is my understanding that the Select Committee on Standards and Privileges has considered its report and that Members have been told to remain silent when it is produced tomorrow at 3.30 pm, yet I understand that members of the press are being briefed on that. Will you, start an inquiry to find out who has breached this understanding, so that the House should know these matters before the press should know?

Mr. Deputy Speaker (Mr. Michael Morris)

It is for the Committee to decide whether a matter has been leaked from that Committee and if there is such a leak, it will be for that Committee to investigate the matter of that particular leak. It is not a matter for the Chair.