HC Deb 01 April 1996 vol 275 cc9-10
8. Mr. Hain

To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage what quality criteria will be used in judging applications to operate digital television multiplexes. [21899]

Mr. Sproat

Applications for multiplex licences will be judged on their likely contribution to the successful development of digital terrestrial television in the United Kingdom. A key criterion will be the variety of programming that applicants intend to provide. Existing terrestrial broadcasters, who have been meeting programming quality thresholds, are being offered guaranteed capacity on digital multiplexes.

Mr. Hain

Will the Minister accept the Independent Television Commission's desire to include quality among the criteria for judging applications by digital television multiplex operators? Surely quality has to be an essential part of the criteria because, otherwise, we are in for a diet of yet more American-type tat on television.

Mr. Sproat

The hon. Gentleman raises an important point. There are quality thresholds for BBC1, BBC2, channels 3, 4 and 5, and S4C, and the criteria of taste, decency and impartiality will apply to everyone. The Government are currently satisfied that those are sufficient, but we shall no doubt return to the matter during our debates on the Broadcasting Bill.

Mr. Robert G. Hughes

Does my hon. Friend agree that over-regulation is the enemy of good quality television and of employment opportunities? Would not it be better for Britain and for our great television industry to cut regulation and allow our companies to compete for, and win, markets around the world?

Mr. Sproat

My hon. Friend makes the other side of the case very well. It is important that a proper balance is struck between the quality of television and encouraging the expansion of our new digital television industry—not only programmes, but the equipment that British companies can manufacture and sell at home and abroad.