HC Deb 09 March 1995 vol 256 c447
5. Mr. Waterson

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will make a statement on the future funding of the Sussex police.

Mr. Maclean

Sussex will have £145.78 million available for 1995–96, an increase of £14.2 million or 10.8 per cent. over 1994–95. In addition, it will not have to find £1.14 million, or 0.8 per cent., to pay for common police services. We have also allocated £7.62 million for building projects and the purchase of equipment. Those significant increases in resources will help Sussex police to continue their excellent performance.

Mr. Waterson

Is my hon. Friend aware how widely his generosity in the settlement for Sussex has been welcomed by my constituents in Eastbourne and how much they agree with the chairman of the new police authority, Dr. Walsh, who talks of

a budget to be proud of", particularly the recent announcement of an increase of more than 100 new bobbies on the beat in Sussex?

Mr. Maclean

My hon. Friend is absolutely right. I am glad that Sussex is using the increased funds available for that purpose. My hon. Friend has given us only half the story, however, as according to the latest survey in the Police Review magazine Sussex is to recruit not only 110 extra bobbies but 123 extra civilians. That seems to match the pattern around the country, where the survey reveals there could be 400 extra officers next year and 900 extra civilians. It is a safe bet that the vast majority of the extra civilians whom the police service intends to recruit will release yet more bobbies for operational duty, adding to the 7,000 extra officers released for operational work since 1983 through the civilianisation programme.