HC Deb 28 June 1995 vol 262 c1028

Amendments made: No. 62, in page 173, line 45, at end insert— '(2A) In the case of a National Park authority for a National Park in England, such number as may be specified in the relevant order of the number of members of the authority to be appointed by the Secretary of State shall be parish members.'. No. 63, in page 174, line 3, leave out from 'shall' to end of line 5 and insert '—

  1. (a) as respects any National Park authority for a National Park in England, be two less than the number of local authority members specified in the order; and
  2. (b) as respects any National Park authority for a National Park in Wales, be equal to half the number of local authority members specified in the order.
(4) As respects any National Park authority for a National Park in England, the number specified in the relevant order as the number of parish members to be appointed by the Secretary of State shall be one less than one half of the total number of the members of the authority to be appointed by the Secretary of State. (5) Accordingly—
  1. (a) in the case of a National Park authority for a National Park in England, the effect of the relevant order shall be such that the total number of members of the authority will be an even number which is not a whole number multiple of four; and
  2. (b) in the case of National Park authority for a National Park in Wales, the number of local authority members specified in the relevant order shall be an even number.'.
No. 64, in page 175, leave out line 6 and insert—