HC Deb 18 May 1994 vol 243 c903

Amendments made: No. 83, in page 60, line 12, clause 74, leave out 'water supplies or sewerage services provided to' and insert 'the supply of water to, the provision of sewerage to or the disposal of sewage for';

No. 84, in page 60, line 15, leave out 'supplies or sewerage services are provided to' and insert 'is supplied to, sewerage provided to, or sewage disposed of for';

No. 85, in page 60, line 20, leave out 'services' and insert 'which is, or facilities for the disposal of sewage which are,';

No. 86, in page 60, line 26, leave out 'services' and insert ',or with facilities for the disposal of sewage,';

No. 87, in page 60, line 27, leave out 'those services' and insert 'the sewerage or facilities';

No. 88, in page 60, line 28, leave out 'services' and insert 'or of such facilities'—[Mr. Stewart.]

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