HC Deb 26 January 1994 vol 236 cc269-86
    1. cc269-72
    2. Local Government Reorganisation 1,492 words
    3. cc272-4
    4. Highlands and Islands (Economy) 716 words
    5. cc274-6
    6. Local Government Reorganisation 1,328 words
    7. cc276-7
    8. Forestry 509 words
    9. cc277-9
    10. Housing 868 words
    11. cc279-80
    12. Children Act 1989 720 words
    13. cc280-2
    14. Poverty, Glasgow 711 words
    15. cc282-3
    16. Religious Education 518 words
    17. cc283-4
    18. Hospital Waiting Lists 886 words
    19. cc284-6
    20. Drugs Task Force 709 words
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