HC Deb 20 October 1993 vol 230 cc262-3
3. Mr. Tony Banks

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when he now expects the redevelopment of county hall, SE1 to be completed.

The Minister for Local Government and Planning (Mr. David Curry)

The Shirayama Corporation plans to finish its redevelopment of the riverside building by March 1996.

Mr. Banks

Does the Minister accept that the decision by "Baroness Bonkers" to abolish the Greater London council is deeply resented by Londoners, and does he accept that London is now in a chaotic state? Why will the Secretary of State not allow the people of London to discuss the possibility of having a strategic authority? He could get his own back on "Baroness Bonkers", who has said some rather nasty things about him.

Madam Speaker

Order. The hon. Gentleman's vocabulary is quite unacceptable.

Mr. Banks

Does the Minister accept that the decision to allow a bunch of Japanese property sharks to take over county hall and turn it into an hotel is an insult to London? If the development cannot go ahead, will the Minister allow the roof to come off county hall and become derelict, just like Battersea power station?

Mr. Curry

I welcome the hon. Gentleman to the Dispatch Box, but it is easy to see why the GLC acquired the representation it did while he was prominently involved.

Not a dog has barked for the GLC. I have never known a corpse to die and decompose so rapidly and there to be so little regret at its departure. As for the Japanese corporation, the London residuary body has instructions to get the best price for county hall. A development is needed as that is One of the prime sites in London. The development that has been approved is exciting, and we expect completion to take place on 29 October. The sooner life returns to that side of the river the better, and a life that is forward looking rather than backward looking to the GLC.

Mr. Congdon

Does my hon. Friend recall the waste and extravagance of the late and unlamented GLC and does not he agree that many London Members welcome the opportunity to sell county hall to ensure that the proceeds flow back to the London boroughs?

Mr. Curry

The proceeds will flow back to the London boroughs during the period of the window for capital receipts, and they will be particularly beneficial to the boroughs. Nothing that the Khazbulatov of county hall says will make a difference.

Ms Hoey

Is the Minister aware that originally there was great opposition to the Shirayama development? Does he recognise that the Government could learn a lesson from the way in which Shirayama is working closely with local people and with the local authority in trying to make the development as near as possible to what local people want and to bring jobs to the community?

Mr. Curry

One of the things that have changed during recent years since the demise of the GLC is that councils of all complexions have worked more sensibly with the private sector. That must be welcomed, and it brings a lot of sense and imagination to local government. I am delighted that that should be the case.

Mr. John Marshall

Does my hon. Friend accept that the redevelopment of county hall will provide worthwhile jobs for Londoners? Does he also accept that the abolition of the GLC has saved London ratepayers many tens of millions of pounds and that the GLC is regretted only by those who purloined its GLC silver?

Mr. Curry

I agree.